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in General Factchecking by Journeyman (3.9k points)
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Donald Trump is said to be considering Marjorie Taylor Greene for a top cabinet position in the Trump administration.

6 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.8k points)
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Best answer

This is false. Trump has made no comments on whether or not he is considering Marjorie Taylor Greene for a top cabinet position. The video within the post even ends with the stipulation that a job might tempt her "if it is offered". For additional proof, another article by Newsweek states that "The former president has not openly discussed potential roles for Greene." (https://www.newsweek.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-wants-trump-cabinet-position-been-very-loyal-1982012)

by Newbie (360 points)
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I think this is a good answer because it doesn't reflect any bias towards or against President Trump. Additionally, you provided a source for your answer, which allows us to check where your citing from. However, the claim made isn't proven but it is possible, so maybe you could mention the possibility of Marjorie Taylor Green being elected for a cabinet position, even though it isn't proven yet. For ex: "While Trump hasn't made comments on whether or not he is considering Marjorie Taylor Green, the possibility of her eventual election is still on the table."
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by Novice (710 points)

The statement that Trump is considering Marjorie Taylor Greene for a top cabinet position is false. This statement made by @calltoactivism, who claims to provide legal analysis and news the media is missing, does not provide a source for this statement, but does provide a clip from the news claiming Greene to be a potential pick. Trump, himself has made no comments or statements on giving Greene a cabinet position. Greene has been supportive of Trump, and she made a statement which led people to speculate she would receive a cabinet position. Greene said, “And there’s those of us that have been very loyal. We understand his polices, we support them through and through. And I’d like to see people like us that have done that very much involved.” As Ewan palmer put is in his Newsweek article, “Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene says she and others who have been loyal to President-elect Donald Trump for years are more deserving of being in the Republican’s next Cabinet than some of those being suggested.” Trump has since stated that Greene will chair a House subcommittee (DOGE, Department of Government Efficiency) that will work with his administration, which is not a cabinet position(spectrumnews1).

by Newbie (450 points)
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this claim is very well thought out and does a great job of explaining why the statement is false, but also what could have led people to believe this.
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by Newbie (300 points)

This claim is false. The claim comes from the social media app Bluesky (or bsky) The account, @calltoactivism is a left-wing profile. The tweet features a short video clip that states only that a desk job “may or may not tempt her if it's offered”, The video is 15 seconds long and features no sources or strict claims. According to Newsweek, “The former president has not openly discussed potential roles for Greene” (Newsweek, 2024). Other publishers, such as Vanity Fair have only claimed that Majorie Taylor Green wants a cabinet position, not that she will be given one.

by Novice (950 points)
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While the factcheck itself is thorough, none of the information comes with direct links to your sources. This makes it difficult to verify if your own information is credible, because simply stating the publisher doesn't explain where exactly you got the information from (which article, what format of media, etc.). Otherwise, this is a good response.
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by Novice (600 points)
This statement is false. Trump has not made any comments hinting that Greene will be part of his cabinet. The video is also questionable because it does not state that Trump is planning to offer her the job, it says, "if offered the job." Also, after looking at multiple articles covering Trumps plans, no where does it say that Greene will have any role in the Trump administration. Of the sources I found, I only saw reports that Greene has made statements that she wants a role in the cabinet. Nevertheless, Trump has not made any statement regarding Greene and her position in his Cabinet.



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ago by Newbie (300 points)
The claim that Donald Trump has said to be considering Marjorie Taylor Greene for a cabinet position is false. Marjorie Taylor Greene has mentioned being interested in a cabinet position, though she says there are others more qualified in her eyes. Donald Trump, however, has not released any statement mentioning offering Greene a position. The video provided above also mentions Greene being interested in the job "if it's offered," implying that no offer has been mentioned or made to her.
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ago by Novice (620 points)

This claim appears to be false. The source that was linked in the claim is not legitimate and does not provide any information about Majorie Taylor Green being a potential pick, except at the end where it says she would take the postion “if offered”, meaning that there has not been any offer made by Trump. There is some evidence that she is interested in the position (Via Daily Mail and Newsweek, which are known to not always be legit), but no information about Trump considering her for the position. That doesn’t mean that it isnt true, but it means that the claim is not verifiable, and shouldn’t be believed until there are sources available to support it. 


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