There are two clams here, that mass immigration is destroying Christian cultures and that mass immigration is destroying white countries.
According to the Pew research center, Christians are over-represented in people who live outside of their birth country. 47% of all global migrants are Christian, compared to 30% of the global population, and the majority of the immigrants entering the United States are Christian, so the clam that Immigrants and destroying Christian society is false.
The post on skydive clams that Jewish elites want to create a society of mixed-race individuals on the basis that they would be easer to manipulate than primarily white societies. This relies on the assumption that race relates to intelligence, which has been shown to be untrue. According to a thesis published in the National Library of Medicine;
"the correlation between allelic variation at loci that encode proteins relevant to melanin production and other traits is likely mediated primarily by cultural beliefs, not the mechanisms of biochemistry and cell biology. Such genetic influence cannot, therefore, be reasonably interpreted as proof that one group of people is cognitively superior to another.”
Although genetics can influence IQ, there is little biological variation between races so race would not have a large effect on intelligence. The disparities in measures of intelligence between racial populations are almost certainly caused by environmental factors such as discrimination and poverty, and not by genetic superiority of one race over the other. If race does not dictate intelligence than mixed race individuals have the same intellectual capacities as white people.
The post also refernces the “Kalegri Plan” which I found has been debunked by PolitiFact, a well-known fact checking website. Politifact states that Kalegri never came up with that plan. It was originally manufactured by the Natzis and has recently come into public discourse on the extreme right in the United States and Europe. Kalegris work primarally centered around creating a politically united Europe that could stand up to global powers like Russia and the United States.
I have found both clams to be false and potentially harmful to the communities they vilify