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by Journeyman (3.9k points)
Mass immigration is destroying Christian and white nations around the world.
by Newbie (490 points)
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This is a false claim the source provided is from a social media post on BlueSky from an unverified account displaying a picture of text with quotes from Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi an Austro-Hungarian politician from the 1970s. Not only is the source the social media post unsupported by any credible evidence it is also citing a politician which is unreliable as politicians do not seek to spread the truth or real evidence rather to support their own agenda making the whole post unreliable and obsolete.
ago by (100 points)
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The "Kalergi Plan" is a fabricated conspiracy theory suggesting that European elites are creating the mass immigration of non Europeans to erase white people. However, no historical evidence supports this claim.
The theory is based on deliberate misinterpretations of the writings of Richard von Coudenhove Kalergi, an Austrian Japanese politician and philosopher who promoted European unity in the early 20th century. He did express admiration for a future where races mixed, but he never proposed forced racial mixing or the "destruction" of any group.
The quote attributed to him, "The man of the future will be race-mixed," is taken out of context. In his book Practical Idealism, Kalergi discussed cultural and ethnic blending as a natural historical process, not as a forced plan.

8 Answers

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by Novice (960 points)
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Best answer

There are two clams here, that mass immigration is destroying Christian cultures and that mass immigration is destroying white countries. 

According to the Pew research center, Christians are over-represented in people who live outside of their birth country. 47% of all global migrants are Christian, compared to 30% of the global population, and the majority of the immigrants entering the United States are Christian, so the clam that Immigrants and destroying Christian society is false. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2024/08/19/the-religious-composition-of-the-worlds-migrants/

The post on skydive clams that Jewish elites want to create a society of mixed-race individuals on the basis that they would be easer to manipulate than primarily white societies. This relies on the assumption that race relates to intelligence, which has been shown to be untrue. According to a thesis published in the National Library of Medicine;

 "the correlation between allelic variation at loci that encode proteins relevant to melanin production and other traits is likely mediated primarily by cultural beliefs, not the mechanisms of biochemistry and cell biology. Such genetic influence cannot, therefore, be reasonably interpreted as proof that one group of people is cognitively superior to another.

source: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8872358/

Although genetics can influence IQ, there is little biological variation between races so race would not have a large effect on intelligence. The disparities in measures of intelligence between racial populations are almost certainly caused by environmental factors such as discrimination and poverty, and not by genetic superiority of one race over the other. If race does not dictate intelligence than mixed race individuals have the same intellectual capacities as white people. 

The post also refernces the “Kalegri Plan” which I found has been debunked by PolitiFact, a well-known fact checking website. Politifact states that Kalegri never came up with that plan. It was originally manufactured by the Natzis and has recently come into public discourse on the extreme right in the United States and Europe. Kalegris work primarally centered around creating a politically united Europe that could stand up to global powers like Russia and the United States.

source: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/jan/24/tiktok-posts/no-there-no-kalergi-plan-replace-europeans-migrant/

I have found both clams to be false and potentially harmful to the communities they vilify  


by Apprentice (1.3k points)
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I enjoyed how you picked apart the original claim and broke it down to prove that the claim is false across all fronts.  Using more than one source is always beneficial in proving a fact check.  The only thing I would add is to dive a little deeper into the end of how this claim is harmful and could be pushing a false agenda.
by Newbie (440 points)
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This answer is thoroughly written out and lays out each false statement in the claim. I love the way your formatted this answer in a way that is clear and concise. Providing another part of credibility, you have sourced trustable researches to give you that extra leverage of truth and lies. Well done!
by Newbie (390 points)
0 0
Fantastic job fact-checking this claim. I really like how detailed you were in picking apart the claim. You debunked it successfully and in a way that's easy to read and understand. Next time, I would love to hear a little more about your opinion or standpoint on the claim!
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by Newbie (320 points)
This claim is a 2 parter, and it's unfair to both groups to just group them together. The source you used is a comment on a post that seems to have nothing to do with the wide range of all immigrants. I believe by your claim and your source that you are implying that most immigrants go by this belief that they must destroy the White Christian population.

According to the Migration Policy Institute, 20% of all immigrants are White. This doesn't take into account being of mixed race, or the country of origin. This accounts for 1/5 of immigrants, and to ignore that fact that "White Nations" also produce immigrants is blindness to the overall issue.

According to the Pew Research Center, 47% of all immigrants are christian. With these waves of thought, and if your source was true, the max of immigrants who would be set on destroying these groups would also be facing half of the immigrant populous around the world


ago by Novice (650 points)
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Thank you for taking the time to properly debunk both of the claims randomly thrown onto this website. Writing that these claims are arguing immigrants move to other countries specifically to destroy white Christian communities is the best base to launch off of. Not only do you take the original take and think about it for more than five seconds, you went and found two sources to help back up how the population of immigrants is actually brought up. Perfect! The only stingy bit of criticism I have is to properly cite your sources but that’s a nitpick.
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by Newbie (310 points)
The claim being made here is that mass immigration is destroying white and Christian nations around the world,  essentially grouping Christian nations and white nations together. The evidence used to back up their claim is a excerpt from some writing material talking about the Kalergi Plan, something that was drawn up in 1923 , inspired by the mastery of farm animals by humans. The plan details the genocide of white people through the mass immigration of non white people, with the hopes of generating a society with tame, inferior, and easily manipulated members, giving the aristocratic Jewish elites a pathway to have control over the nation and eternally rule. This use of evidence seems to be very far fetched and completely irrelevant to the issue presented. It is irrational to say that the root of mass immigration is being driven by a plan to pollute white and Christian nations with less sophisticated and more controllable citizens, as most immigrates move to a new country because of challenges faced within their own nation, as opposed to going somewhere else with the intention of negatively affecting that new country, which is a complete conspiracy theory.


This article by world population review shows the 3 countries with most non born residents, #1 being the US and #2  being Saudi Arabia. The hyprocsiy of Saudi Arabia being top of this list is that it is neither a white or Christian nation, which shows immigration is driven by other reasons.


This data from the Pew research center shows that Christianity dominates the demographic for religion of immigrants coming to the US. The US has a demographic dominated by white people and Christians, the exact type of nation the claim was referring too. This research puts to sleep arguments that these immigrants are ruining these christian nations, as the majority of the immigrants coming in are Christian themselves.
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by Newbie (300 points)
First, to insinuate that diversifying "white nations" with immigrants is destorying the country is a wild claim and blatantly racist.  If considering America, The Migration policy Instiuture states that "Immigrants boost overall economic growth by expanding the labor force and increasing consumer spending. The foreign born also start new businesses at higher rates than U.S.-born individuals." Saying that immigrants are destroying countries is false and not backed by any claim and they are beneficial to the economic growth and well-being of our country without migrants in the labor forces our country simply would not function.

source: https://www.migrationpolicy.org/content/explainer-immigrants-and-us-economy#:~:text=Immigrants%20boost%20overall%20economic%20growth,rates%20than%20U.S.%2Dborn%20individuals.

Immigrants also are nowhere destroying the Christian nations of our world. Christianity is the number one religion that migrants follow.  "Christians made up an estimated 47% of all people living outside their country of birth as of 2020, the latest year for which global figures are available". To say immigrants are destroying Christian nations is once again racist because that claim has no legs to stand on if anything they are adding to the Christian population of different nations.

source: https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2024/08/19/the-religious-composition-of-the-worlds-migrants/
by Journeyman (3.3k points)
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I appreciate that you pointed out the claim was racist as well as proving it wrong because it is important to acknowledge why something is wrong to say along with why it is factually wrong
by Novice (600 points)
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I'm glad that apart from saying its false but by also stating that its racist especially when saying its ruining white nations and Christianity.
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by Novice (630 points)

This claim is both false and harmful in its presentation of a villainizing narrative surrounding immigrants. The National Immigration Forum goes into this idea of “The Great Replacement”, where it is being theorized that immigrants are working to undermine the culture and power white populations, and they state that it is simply an argument used by white supremacists and anti-immigration groups (https://immigrationforum.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Replacement-Theory-Explainer-1122.pdf). Regarding immigration as “invasion” and using intentionally violent and harmful rhetoric is seen to be a tactic of the groups that are proponents of the theory. The attachment on this post mentions the Kalergi Plan, which is a debunked conspiracy theory used by the same groups that mention the great replacement. Politifact and many other sites have debunked this theory. This theory grew from distortions of his work, and taking his ideas about European nations absorbing others as replacing. (https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/jan/24/tiktok-posts/no-there-no-kalergi-plan-replace-europeans-migrant/). The post quotes Kalergi saying “"The man of the future will be race-mixed.", and uses this as justification for their argument, when it is a misinterpretation of what the meaning of Kalergis argument was. They use his terminology surrounding mixed races as the erasure of a purely white race, when that was not the intent. 

Applying this to the present day, LAW ecommons states that white nativists have promoted this concept that immigrants of color on the southern border threaten the idea that the US is a country controlled by white people and their respective culture. This is merely a fear that a perceived morally and intellectually inferior culture will replace the dominant one, there is no concrete data or evidence suggesting this is a real shift. And as this article says, this stems from a desire between white people for commonality and shared identity. Anything that threatens this desire sets the stage for mass expulsion and allows for theories like this to popularize (https://lawecommons.luc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1676&context=facpubs).

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by Newbie (300 points)
The claim that immigration is destroying Christian and white nations is a false and harmful fabrication. Many Christians are among the world's migrants, as well as frequently moving to Christian-majority countries; therefore, immigration often reinforces, rather than diminishes, Christian populations. Many Western nations' wide-ranging histories of immigration have demonstrably shaped their cultures and economies, encouraging large growth, important diversity and large innovation. The concept of “white nations” is fundamentally flawed because many countries have always displayed diverse populations and immigration continues long-created traditions of cultural exchange. Immigration considerably benefits societies, rather than harming them, by contributing many important new ideas, skills and diverse perspectives that substantially strengthen communities.

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by Newbie (370 points)
These are two different claims that don't make sense to group together, especially considering that Saudi Arabia, which is not a white or Christian nation is the country with the second highest rates of immigration. Also, according to the Pew research center, the majority of immigrants entering the US are Christian themselves.
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ago by Newbie (300 points)

The claim that mass immigration is "destroying Christian and white nations" is misleading and fails to consider the positive contributions immigrants make to societies. Immigrants bring diverse perspectives, cultures, and skills that strengthen economies, cultures, and support the labor force. History shows that immigration has been a key factor in the growth and development of many nations, including those with high Christian and white populations.

Source: Pew Research Center - The Changing Demographics of Immigration in the U.S.


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