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by Journeyman (3.9k points)
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Michelle Obama is Michael Robinson Obama (a man).


Michelle Obama AKA
Michael Robinson Obama= legal name.

His 84 yr old Mother died & she left it all to her SON MICHAEL ROBINSON.

@MichelleObama =

11 Answers

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ago by Newbie (310 points)

For this claim, the website that this post is clipped from has an "About Us" section that clarifies that it is "network of parody, satire and tomfoolery"-- and explains what they post is solely junk news that is for used for entertainment. (Reference: https://web.archive.org/web/20191022154658/https://obamawatcher.com/sample-page/) 

To add on to the evidence of how this claim is not true, The Associated Press website had published an article also assessing this claim and concludes that it is false. It states that the story itself not only leaves a disclaimer, but there were also other false statements shared in a satire approach such as changing gender (which is what the claim states) 

Reference: https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-michelle-obama-mother-satire-623260875576). 

Overall, not only does the website that makes the claim state that it is not true themselves, other parties have seem to fact check this as false as well.

Exaggerated/ Misleading

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