@PinaColada Claims are best framed as statements. So for this one, you could say "Claim: The freshman 15 is real."
@Gretawedemeyer @jasonchen58 @mariagrimaldo1 for the future, please "answer" the claim rather than "comment" on it. By doing so you can receive upvotes on your answers and have your answer chosen as the best one.
@gretawedemeyer strong fact-checks should include a source link so that readers know where you evidence is coming from and a rating.
@jasonchen58 nice job providing a clear explanation, personal experience, and a source link. Don't forget to add a rating going forward (see the sidebar of this page).
@mariagrimaldo1 nice comment and personal comment. Your explanation could include more details from the study to make it stronger. Also, don't forget to add a rating to your fact-checks going forward (see the sidebar of this page).