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in General Factchecking by Novice (520 points)
I had heard that there were some issues of a factory in Champaign contaminating parts of Boneyard Creek a few years back and I am wondering if this is still an issue today? Would drinking the tap water in some parts of Champaign be bad for one's health?

2 Answers

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by Novice (880 points)
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Best answer
So a 3M manufacturing plant is causing a widespread drinking water contamination along the Mississippi River. The Kaskaskia River that runs the Champaign County connects to the Mississippi River. So there might be some water contamination as of last week. Here is the article: https://will.illinois.edu/217today/episode/217-today-3m-manufacturing-plant-causes-widespread-drinking-water-contamination-along-mississippi-river
by Innovator (50.9k points)
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Good explanation and source link. Don't forget to add a rating, such as "true, not misinformation" if you have the supporting evidence.
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by Newbie (230 points)
I have that Champaign's water is not harmful. I searched through an article and found that it is generally safe to drink. Although tap water can still contain unregulated contaminants, it may cause harm in the long run. https://www.tapsafe.org/is-champaign-tap-water-safe-to-drink/
by Innovator (50.9k points)
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From your explanation, I am not sure what your rating is of the claim. Therefore, your explanation should be clear and demonstrate whether the claim is true or false and align with your rating (which you should include in the future). If your evidence indicates that the water is unsafe then you could rate the claim as "true, not misinformation."

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