2 Answers

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by Journeyman (2.3k points)
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Best answer

This claim is extremely false. There has been no evidence that the US had any involvement in the sabotage of the Nord Stream Pipeline. 

Also, after some background research on the news website "The Gateway Pundit" Wikipedia claims that this website "is an American far-right fake news website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories." Twitter has even suspended Jim Hoft's (founder of TGP and writer of the article) account. 


Furthermore, in transcripts from the US government hearing titled "the state of intellectual freedom in America," it was stated that "Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit website, in an attempt to discredit the courageous efforts of the survivors of the horrific shooting at Parkland High School in Florida in support of reasonable gun regulations, helped to propagate the false story that these shooting survivors were not real victims but were instead trained crisis actors. Mr. Hoft's association with the crisis actor conspiracy theory was too much even for CPAC, which describes  itself as the birthplace of conservativism.''


In short, I would take any claim on the website "The Gateway Pundit" and any article written by Jim Hoft with a grain of salt. There have been long scores of lawsuits against the website and Jim Hoft for defamation/libel, and even Google has even demonetized the platform for making so many false claims and spreading fake news. 

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by Journeyman (3.0k points)
I looked at similiar stories being shared and then went to Snopes who had made a decision on the article.

The information provided in the article can not be deemed true or false, because it is mostly based off what we hear published from Seymour Hersh. He is a Pulitzer Prize winner for uncovering past operations and writing about them, but in recent years, according to Snopes, he hasn't been provided needed evidence or the claims were later proven false.

This story is built of information that Hersh claims to have recieved from unknown source who is said to have knowledge of these operations. The rest of the story has been strewed together by taking statements that politicians have made and then stating that this confirms the story they are trying to tell.

All statements from actual officals and the White House, have all denied these claims. The Snopes link below goes into more detail why the article can not be confirmed.

Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
by Master (4.5k points)
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This was a really good check — you found the source of the claim. But the rating you gave was for something that can't be checked because it's conceptually impossible to check (an opinion, a poem, a piece of toast, etc.). The claim however, is indeed something that either happened or didn't, meaning it is checkable.

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