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in General Factchecking by Innovator (51.8k points)
Claim: An ingredient in some of Chick-fil-A’s dipping sauces can cause serious health problems.

Source: Facebook & TikTok // https://www.facebook.com/reel/1886569028362456/?s=single_unit

3 Answers

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by Journeyman (3.4k points)
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Best answer

The ingredient in question is EDTA or calcium disodium ethylene-diaminetetraacetate. EDTA is an ingredient that is occasionally used as a part of the treatment of lead and other metal poisonings. However, use of EDTA can cause issues such as headaches, nausea, kidney failure, organ damage, and in some cases, death as part of its side effects. 

In the video, the individuals show that Chic-fil-A's sauce contains EDTA and claim that the sauce is harming people through the listed side effects.

That claim is proven false by PolitiFact which examined the claim within the video about EDTA. They explain not only its actual use within the sauce, but also how the FDA regulates the use of EDTA is all foods. 

PolitiFact begins by explaining the use of EDTA within food, stating "Calcium disodium EDTA is commonly used to preserve the flavor, color and texture of foods including canned soda, canned beans and vegetables, dressings and sauces, according to experts." 

They go onto say, "The U.S Food and Drug Administration has determined calcium disordium EDTA is safe to consume is small quantities." and that, "...the FDA limits the use of calcium disodium EDTA in sauces to 75 parts per million. In other words, calcium disodium EDTA can make up at most 0.0075% of a sauce, according to FDA regulations." 

Finally, PolitiFact spoke with Anna Rosales, a director at the Institute of Food Technologists who told them,"Given the low amounts of calcium disodium EDTA in certain foods and that the additive is not readily absorbed in the human digestive tract, the possibility of an adverse health impact is minuscule..."

Therefore, the evidence proves that the claim is false. The EDTA in Chic-fil-A sauce is only included to preserve flavor and its low concentration as enforced by the FSA is low enough to be safe for human consumption.




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by Apprentice (1.5k points)

Upon looking into the claim further, the ingredient that is claimed to cause serious health problems is EDTA. EDTA is claimed to be linked side effects of "abnormal cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, low blood pressure". When used in high doses, EDTA can cause severe side effects of kidney damage and even death. 

While all of these facts seem concerning and suggest that Chick-fil-a sauce is unsafe to consume, EDTA is actually used in a lot of foods, as it preserves the flavor, color, and texture of the food. The FDA limits the amount of EDTA that can be used in sauce, stating that it can only be in up to "0.0075%" of the sauce. In such small moderation, EDTA is not a harm to those who consume it, thus proving that the claim is false and chick-fil-a sauce cannot cause serious health problems. 


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by Apprentice (2.0k points)
The claim that an ingredient in some of Chick-fil-A's dipping sauces can cause serious health problems has been proven false and explained by Sara Swaan,  a freelance journalist for The Poynter Institute. The video in which the claim is made says that the sauces are dangerous due to their trace amount of Calcium disodium EDTA as an ingredient. However, this food additive has been "deemed safe for consumption in small quantities." The FDA limits calcium disodium EDTA to " make up at most 0.0075% of a sauce". The amount in Chick-fil-A's sauces is well within the FDA-recommended limit.

Source: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/feb/09/facebook-posts/the-sauce-is-safe-experts-say-chick-fil-a-dip-ingr/

As well as the Food and Drug Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services...


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