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2 Answers

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by Novice (660 points)
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Based on the information provided in the article from USA Today, it appears that there is still no conclusive evidence to confirm whether COVID-19 originated from a lab leak or through natural transmission. 

However, the Energy Department's report suggests a possibility of an accidental laboratory leak in China with low confidence. Other federal agencies have varying degrees of confidence in their conclusions, the FBI being the only other agency to publicly conclude that the pandemic began in a lab in Wuhan with moderate confidence. Ultimately, more information and research are needed to determine the true origin of COVID-19.

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by Innovator (50.9k points)
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Nice work finding an additional source to support your stance on the claim and including pertinent information.
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by Novice (640 points)

This article from the Wall Street Journal discusses the possibility that COVID-19 may have originated from a lab in Wuhan, China. The article cites several sources and pieces of evidence to support this hypothesis, but it is important to note that this theory has not been definitively proven.

There is ongoing debate among scientists and researchers about the origin of COVID-19. The most widely accepted theory is that the virus emerged naturally from animals, possibly from a wet market in Wuhan. However, some scientists and government officials have suggested that the virus may have accidentally leaked from a laboratory in Wuhan that was studying bat coronaviruses.

It is important to continue to investigate and research the origins of COVID-19, but it is also important to approach the topic with caution and avoid spreading unfounded rumors or conspiracy theories. It is also important to note that attributing blame for the pandemic to a specific country or group of people can have negative consequences, including stigmatization and discrimination.


Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)

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