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in General Factchecking by Apprentice (1.2k points)
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According to LedgerNote, Eminem is the greatest rapper of all time in terms of "charisma", and has won 15 Grammys, 8 American Music Awards, and 17 Billboard Music Awards. He has also have ten number one albums on the Billboard 200 and is the only artist to have achieved this.

8 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.5k points)
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Best answer

This claim cannot be neither disproved or confirmed because there are many "statistics" that one could base their opinion on. In this claim, the user is basing the claim off of the number of awards Eminem has received, but other's may look for other qualities or look at how many #1 hits the artist had. 

For example, this article https://www.billboard.com/lists/best-rappers-all-time/3-nas/ has Eminem ranked 5th and Jay-Z at 1st and they have based this ranking off of which of the artists accomplishments the writer found most impressive.

Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
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by Apprentice (1.9k points)
Although the rapper Eminem has many popular songs that have gained him recognition over the years, this is simply an opinion.

There is a listing of many other rappers that can be argued are better than Eminem (https://www.billboard.com/lists/best-rappers-all-time/).

 Nevertheless, this is only a blog post and not an accurate claim.
Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
by Innovator (51.8k points)
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Good catch noticing that the source of the claim is a blog post, which are not typically reputable!
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by Apprentice (1.5k points)
It's a very subjective question as to which is the greatest rapper of all time. These so-called charts all measure things differently. And Eminem has a lot of great, popular songs, and he's a great rapper.

Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
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by Novice (600 points)
According to the Billboards website, as of 2023, Jay-Z sits as the number one rapper. Jay-Z has over 140 million records sold and collected 24 Grammys while Eminem has only earned 15 Grammys. Eminem is definitely and the top of all rappers, but he isn't greatest of all time.

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by Apprentice (2.0k points)
Simply saying "Eminem is the greatest rapper of all time" is simply an opinion. You said, "in terms of statistics" but you must specify what all aspects you are considering. There is no overall statistic that can claim someone as the best artist.

However, www.alltopeverything.com does confirm that Eminem is the number one best-selling rapper with 227 million units sold. www.musicgrotto.com confirms this as well. However, you would have to check many different sources if you are accounting for how many Grammys, American music awards, etc. that he has won--which all must be taken into account when claiming that statistically, Eminem is "the greatest rapper of all time". Just because someone has won the most awards, sold the most units, etc., you cannot claim they are the "greatest of all time". You can however claim that "Eminem is the Highest Selling Rapper of All Time".

Source: https://www.alltopeverything.com/best-selling-rappers-of-all-time/
Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
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by Novice (740 points)
Even if there are statistics saying that Eminem is the greatest rapper of all time in terms of "charisma" and has won numerous awards, this statement is simply an opinion. Not all people will believe that Eminem is the greatest rapper of all time, despite some people's opinions who may support the statistic. A statistic cannot speak for every rap music listener. He could easily be classified as one of many greatest rappers of all time. Also, even if Eminem was seen as the greatest rapper of all time, rap changes overtime and his status could easily change. The article linked below proves that Eminem is not the only artist seen as the "greatest rapper of all time", in fact it shows he is one of 17.

Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
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by Novice (900 points)
Deciding who would be the greatest rapper ever is more of an opinion. Unless it is based on statistics or numbers, that is not the same as being considered the best rapper ever is the most successful in terms of achievements.

According to online sources, Eminem is the best-selling rapper in history. He has over 200 million records sold and is the first hip-hop artist to win an Oscar.

Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
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by Apprentice (1.1k points)
There is no real way to quantify who is overall the best rapper of all time because opinion plays so heavily into that debate. If you are to look at the best-selling rappers, that may give you a clue as to who people like the most, but that does not mean they are the best. Many rappers have done more for the genre of rap than Eminem has, but he is the artist to sell the most records. Eminem himself has credited his record-breaking sales to his "whiteness." According to medium.com, Jay-Z is actually the rapper with the most number-one albums, 11, while Eminem only has 9. The rap artist with the most number-one songs is Drake, with 26. These stats go to show that no rap artist is at the top in all categories making it hard to determine who is the best statistically. Opinions almost always ruins a debate of something or someone being the greatest of all time because personal factors often play into those decisions.


Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)

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