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in General Factchecking by Apprentice (1.5k points)
Customers are shocked at how expensive one sandwich at Costco is listed for.

13 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.1k points)
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Best answer
This is true. According to Business Insider, Costco is introducing a $9.99 roast beef sandwich, which includes an opinion relish, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, mayonnaise, and red onion. The sandwich was spotted at the Costco in Lynnwood, WA, approximately 30 miles from Costco Headquarters.


Although the sandwich has popped up in Washington, it is unclear how many Costcos will introduce it.

This new sandwich, although legit, is also extremely surprising considering Costco's business model and reputation for cheap menu items. According to CNN, the hotdog meal is especially affordable, which has been $1.50 for over three decades.

by Innovator (51.8k points)
0 0
Great work explaining why the claim is true and providing extra details about the sandwich in question and adding two legitimate sources.
by Novice (740 points)
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Nice Answer! you gave clear and concise information and great evidence to back it up.
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by Apprentice (1.0k points)
This claim is true, and honestly surprising, seeing as how Costco loses money from most food items such as the hotdog as mentioned in this article: https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/04/business/costco-food-court-prices/index.html.

But from other context from the article, it seems that menu pricing are rising as well in general. A listing of prices can be found here :https://thekrazycouponlady.com/tips/store-hacks/costco-food-court-menu-prices
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by Journeyman (3.2k points)

Costco is known for offering cheap food for its customers. Cheap prices is something they have leveraged against their competitors, particularly with ready-to-eat foods. For example, they famously offered $1.50 hot-dog-and-soda combo. However, they recently put a $9.99 roast beef sandwich on the menu at a Costco store in Lynwood, Washington. 



While many consumers are upset about this sudden increase in price for a sandwich, prices have raised within the overall economy and across the market. In an article published by Sentient Media, it shows that in January of 2022, a dozen of eggs was approximately $1.93. In one year this price has more than doubled.


While most consumers find this to be upsetting, they should be prepared for prices such as these to continue. In an article written by Sabri Ben-Achour, he explains that inflation has been driven by droughts of supply and floods of demand. Due to this shortage of supply, prices are raised to compensate. For prices to fall, supply needs to exceed demand. In some sectors, these prices may fall such as with energy or used cars. In terms of food prices or rent, prices are quite unlikely to fall. 


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by Newbie (280 points)

yes this is true. According to yahoo news, Costco has introduced a new item that is higher priced than any item they have. People are shocked because Costco Food court was known for its cheap prices. 

source: https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/costco-food-courts-menu-item-192401921.html

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by Apprentice (1.0k points)
This claim that Costco's new sandwich is 9.99 is 100% true.  The majority of the articles I found online choose to focus on the response to this price change however.  This MSN article noted that one of the things Costco is famous for is their cheap food court.  For example they typically sell hot dogs for $1.50.  The stark contrast between that price and the price of their new roast beef sandwich has become the driver of backlash for some Costco members.

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by Novice (810 points)
This claim is true, Costco shoppers have a problem with the new food item price. There is a beef sandwich that cost $9.99. Shoppers comment things like " a rotisserie chicken, a slice of pizza, and a hot dog with a drink combined are still cheaper than that sandwich", other shoppers claim it's not worth the price. Overall, Costco shoppers seem to think it's unfair that this sandwich cost more than a few pizzas, rotisserie chicken, and a meal combined together especially when Costco's menu is known for being cheap and wallet-friendly.

Source: https://nypost.com/2023/02/25/costco-shoppers-have-beef-with-pricey-new-food-court-item/
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by Apprentice (1.4k points)
It is true that Costco now has a food court item priced at $9.99. This item, according to the New York Post is a roast beef sandwich and is specific to a Costco located in Lynnwood, Washington. Many customers are upset with this, as Costco food court items are typically under the price of $10. The New York Post included an interesting statement that may correlate to the price of the sandwich. According to the New York Post, "The Lynnwood Outlet is located 30 miles from Costco's Issaquah headquarters, sparking speculation that the new nosh is part of a nefarious corporate plan."

by Innovator (51.8k points)
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I think your URL source (re: Perez Hilton) isn't related to this fact-check?
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by Novice (780 points)

After examining both your source and my own, I have determined this to be true. According to the Costco menu's website, a new beef sandwich has been added for a whopping $9.99. This is quite shocking for customers because their other food items are generally $5 or less unless you are buying a whole pizza. It is unclear if this item will be available at every Costco or only select locations.


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by Novice (620 points)
Yes it is true. According to the New York Post, the $9.99 roast beef sandwich appeared on the menu at a Costco store in Lynnwood, Washington. People who tried said it tasted good but definitely don't worth the price that they can get a whole pizza.

by Innovator (51.8k points)
0 0
Clear and concise write up -- nice work. Going forward, don't forget to add a rating to your fact-check (true, false, misleading, opinion, etc.) and also try to dig a bit deeper to find reputable sources as the NY Post isn't always the most reliable.
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by Apprentice (1.1k points)
According to Delish, this new Costco sandwich price is bumming everyone out. It is a roast beef sandwich that is $9.99. One user wrote, "Yea that's a little pricey... Same price as a whole pizza." Costco is known for their usual great prices, so not many people are happy.


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