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in General Factchecking by Apprentice (1.2k points)
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According to "10 Reasons Why You Should Choose UIUC", we are the best school because we have the greatest food town, our student involvement makes a big campus seem like home, we have the most diversity out of any top-ranked Midwest university, and the multitude of opportunities the university has to offer.

17 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.5k points)

There doesn't seem to be an answer to the question of which university is the greatest. Because everyone has different criteria for selection. The link given above by the author is from the UIUC school website. The official rankings from usnews that I found are relatively more objective. But it doesn't mean that UIUC is not the greatest school. I can only say that everyone has different ideas and standards.


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by Innovator (51.8k points)
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I like that you included a link that ranks universities globally with set criteria.
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by Apprentice (1.2k points)
While this article has many reasons why UIUC is a great school, something being the "best" is largely subjective. A school may be a great fit for one person, and not a great fit for another person.
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by Novice (640 points)

The "best" school is entirely subjective. Illinois has a great academic and lifestyle reputation but it really does depend on each individual's definition of the "best". In this article by U.S News.com, Illinois is ranked #41 out of the nation's 443 national universities.


The website had this to say about it formulates its school rankings.

"Only academic data from our surveys and reliable third-party sources are used to calculate each ranking factor. This means for better or for worse, we do not factor nonacademic elements like social life and athletics; we do not conduct unscientific straw polls for use in our computations; and schools' ranks are not manipulated to coddle business relationships" 


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by Apprentice (1.3k points)
This claim is something that is more opinion than fact. Every person has their own criteria for what would make up the best college. There are lists, such as the one I have linked below, that rank colleges but again that is by the criteria of the website. Most of the time these are based on the quality of the education and he success rate of alumni after graduation.

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by Apprentice (1.0k points)

This claim is opinionated. It is impossible to label any college as "best" or "worst" because students look for different things in colleges and it would not be possible to decide on the necessary criteria to label a singular college as "best". Forbes is a very reputable publication and is known for ranking universities. Forbes bases its rankings on student outcome and takes specific factors into consideration like alumni salary, debt, graduation rate, return on investment, retention rate, and academic success. However, these factors vary situationally for specific students, so even with the Forbes evaluation concluding that one specific university is "best" would be opinion. 


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by Novice (900 points)

The greatest university ever does not really exist. Some things make universities great in different ways than others. It is all up to opinion. Does someone want a great educational school that will get them a prestigious degree? Is the university affordable? Does someone want student involvement. Everything is different, so it cannot really be said which is better. 


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by Novice (820 points)

Though it is acceptable to list reasons as to why the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is a great school it is incorrect to say it is the "greatest school of all time". This is because a statement like this is based on opinion and can differ from person to person. It is instead acceptable to list facts that make UIUC a good school. For example, "The undergraduate engineering program at the Grainger College of Engineering is ranked #7 overall in the U.S. News & World Report".  


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by Novice (720 points)
UIUC is not the greatest school of all time. It's a great school but so are other schools. It's all based on people's preferences when it comes to the campus and the location.

According to the UIUC website, Illinois is the number 13 Public university.


They have a lot of high-ranking programs and departments that build their image.
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by Apprentice (1.7k points)
It is true that Illinois has many great attributes, but this claim is highly subjective. Everyone has their own opinions on what makes a school great, and there is not one school that meets everyone's standards.


For example, niche lists MIT, Harvard, and Stanford as the top three schools in the United States. While these schools may have the lowest acceptance rates and have the most prestige, it does not make them the best. Other factors like affordability, social life, and location play a role in ranking schools.
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by Novice (800 points)
This is more of an opinion rather than fact vs not a fact. Some people may think UIUC is the greatest school ever, and some may have opinions that differ from that. There are a lot of different factors that go into deciding what makes a great school, thus creates a subjective question.

According to Usnews.com, the number one college ranking in the US is Princeton University. On the same list, UIUC is ranked as 41. There are numerous lists ranking Universities in the country and they are not all the same, again because this is a very subjective topic.

Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)

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