+13 votes
in General Factchecking by Journeyman (2.7k points)
This TikTok says that humans are going through a microevolution which is causing babies to be born with smaller and weaker jaws, causing no wisdom teeth to develop. Is this true?

15 Answers

+1 vote
by Novice (940 points)
This is somewhat true. According to Prestige Family Dentistry, about 1/3rd of people are born without wisdom teeth. Over time, human's jaw bones have decreased in size, leading to our species evolving and having less space for wisdom teeth. Furthermore, since human's diets have changed and we typically no longer have to forage and hunt for food, there is less of a need to have wisdom teeth in our mouth for extra chewing power.

0 votes
by Newbie (400 points)

There are people that are born without wisdom teeth. I know this because I personally do not have wisdom teeth. I went to the dentist one day for x-rays and when they came out, I was told that I did not have wisdom teeth.  

This article from Dentistry.Co says that babies are being born without wisdom teeth due to humans evolving to have shorter faces and smaller mouths, leaving room for less teeth to grow. This may be due to humans learning to use fire, cook, and process food more, meaning that wisdom teeth are unnecessary. 


0 votes
by Novice (700 points)

The title is misleading but what you said in the content is true. According to this article ‘Microevolution’ means more babies born without wisdom teeth 

" ‘As our faces are getting a lot shorter there is not as much room for teeth because of smaller jaws,’ she said.

‘This is happening in time as we have learnt to use fire and process foods more. A lot of people are just being born without wisdom teeth.’ "


0 votes
by Apprentice (1.2k points)
There is evidence to support this claim that more babies are being born without wisdom teeth. According to this article by The Independent, research published by the Journal of Anatomy said that over a small rapid period, babies are being born with smaller faces and jawlines. This means that there is less room and the body is adjusting and evolving with fewer wisdom teeth. The Journal of Anatomy that is being used as evidence for this article is a reputable academic paper.

0 votes
by Apprentice (1.1k points)

The TikTok claim about humans undergoing a form of microevolution, leading to babies being born with smaller jaws and without wisdom teeth, is supported by scientific research. Studies suggest that these physical changes are part of the ongoing evolution of the human species. Specifically, Australian researchers have found evidence of what they term 'microevolution', with babies now having shorter faces, smaller jaws, and in some cases, extra bones in their legs and feet. This evolutionary trend also includes a decrease in the prevalence of wisdom teeth, a phenomenon attributed to the reduced size of human jaws over time, providing less space for these teeth. The smaller jaw size and the lack of wisdom teeth are linked to natural selection and changes in dietary habits, which have reduced the need for these teeth.


The Catalyst: This article elaborates on the observation of babies being born with smaller jaws and without wisdom teeth, noting it as a current trend in human microevolution. The article references research conducted by Australian scientists, which has been published in reputable scientific journals


Sky News: This article discusses the findings of Australian researchers, indicating that more people are being born without wisdom teeth and with smaller jaws as a result of human microevolution. The research, published in the Journal of Anatomy, also notes the presence of an extra artery in the arm and changes in the bones of the legs and feet.



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