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Update: “Leader McConnell tripped at a dinner event Wednesday evening and has been admitted to the hospital and is being treated for a concussion," says David Popp, his communications director, in a statement. "He is expected to remain in the hospital for a few days of observation and treatment."

3 Answers

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by Journeyman (2.7k points)
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Best answer

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was hospitalized and is being treated for a concussion after a fall.  

Firstly, Steve Herman who posted this news is a credible source and is a journalist and is Voice of America's chief national correspondent. The account that posted this news is also verified as you can see here https://twitter.com/W7VOA/status/1590509890027810816?s=20&t=y14oH8NjL5Q74Yd2E8xLuw
I then looked to see if there were any source that claim the same thing, and found source like NBC News, The New York Times, and CBS News confirming Mitch McConnell is being treated for a concussion and will remain in the hospital for a "few days". They also mention that he fell at the Washington Hotel for a dinner event. This statement confirmed by his spokesman, David Popp


by Innovator (51.8k points)
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I like that you supported your fact-check with multiple, credible source links and added pertinent quotes to your explanation.
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by Journeyman (2.2k points)

This is a true claim. NPR reports that "McConnell fell at the Waldorf Astoria hotel in Washington, D.C.", leading to his hospitalization. He was at the hotel to attend a dinner event this past Wednesday.  The article also directly quotes the tweet above, verifying that this is a factual tweet. 

Mitch McConnell hospitalized with concussion after fall : NPR

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by Apprentice (1.9k points)

This claim is true. Source from ABC13 (https://abc13.com/senator-mitch-mcconnell-fall-hotel-hospital/12938605/)

Josh Holmes, a top McConnell political adviser, told CNN that McConnell has been urging hospital staff to let him go, though he's remained there for observation since Wednesday night after falling and hitting his head during a dinner at the Waldorf Astoria hotel. Doctors are treating him for a concussion.

It appears that McConnell did injure himself and is currently being treated in the hospital.


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