+22 votes
in General Factchecking by Genius (43.4k points)
Taylor Swift publicly confirmed she's dating Travis Kelce, saying, "I'm in love with him."
by Novice (550 points)
After diving into the history of these two and their coverage after dating rumors had spread, the claim that "Taylor Swift says, 'I'm in love with him.'" is false. While the first half of the main claim has proven to be true from the hints and words used to describe their relationship by Taylor - as we know now as labeled "dating" - from her interview with Time Magazine for "Person of the Year", there is no confirmation of her ever stating that she was/is in love with him. In the interview sourced by Rolling Stones, Taylor was curious how the cameramen in the NFL game stadiums always find their focus on her wherever she is seated and states "'I'm just there to support Travis.  I have no awareness of if I’m being shown too much and pissing off a few dads, Brads, and Chads.'" and wondering that around the time the public found out they were "dating" was from her attending his games. She hasn't publicly stated she's in love with him yet, but their outings and support of each other could lead to assumptions about their relationship status.
by Novice (630 points)
After searching the web and finding multiple articles from various news sources I have concluded that this is false information. Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce have been seen in public on multiple occasions, including Swift attending Kelce's football games. However, despite there public affection and seen together, there are no reports that Swift said "i'm in love with him." In the summer of 2023 the couple was reported being seen together and since than have had a big presence in the media.
by Novice (600 points)
After a substantial amount of research I did not find any evidence that this is true. Despite multiple romantic photos of the two together, there is no evidence of Taylor saying she is "in love" with Travis. This report is straight up false.
by Novice (710 points)
I agree with you that this claim is more of an assumption as opposed to Taylor Swift actually coming out and saying she loves Travis Kelce. The video included on this post is mostly clickbait and has no claim in it where Swift says she is in love with Kelce.
by Novice (820 points)
I totally agree with your statement that it was never clearly stated that Taylor Swift publicly said "I'm in love with him." While in recent pop culture news it has been seen that her and Travis Kelce seem to be in a romantic relationship. I think the video is misleading and a false claim to get people to view the video.

13 Answers

+1 vote
by Novice (790 points)

Fact Check: "Taylor Swift publicly confirmed she's dating Travis Kelce, saying, "I'm in love with him."

It is visibly clear that singer Taylor Swift and football player Travis Kelce are in a romantic relationship of sorts, or at least romantically involved. The two have been seen together on many different occasions by multiple news outlets, however there is no reports or concrete evidence or interviews by Taylor Swift where she publicly states that "I am in love with Travis Kelce." This video is misleading and gives over exaggerated text that is neither correct nor true. However, assumptions could be made by the media and fans that the two are in love with each other, but the headline on this video says that Swift states "she is in love with" Travis, which just cannot be backed by any physical evidence. This video uses clickbait to reel users in to viewing the video that appears to provide 'never heard before' statements about Swifts love life, that are not included in the video. The couple is public now with their relations, as Taylor can be seen at Travis games, etc. So that part of the video is in fact true, just the central claim is not.


Exaggerated/ Misleading
+1 vote
by Novice (660 points)
While these two celebrities appear to be dating, Taylor Swift has not publicly stated she is in love with Kelce. Since the video does not provide a source to their claim, I searched the web for any evidence of Swift making such a statement. The top source to come up was Snopes.com, stating that there is no evidence of Taylor Swift publicly coming out and saying she loves Kelce. To be sure I searched the web again, for if Swift has said this, surely there would be multiple news outlets that would have reported on it, but again I found nothing.

If this were not enough, I checked the YouTube channel the video was posted on to see how legitimate of a source it is. Sure enough almost every video has a clickbait headline, making a statement about a celebrity with large red and yellow bubble letters on the thumbnail, creating a quote that has never been said. While most of things said in their videos are based off of actual evidence, the main claims are not and are purely there to attract clicks and views. Therefore, I conclude that the main claim of this video is false.
0 votes
by Champion (14.6k points)

This claim is exaggerated. Yes, Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce have confirmed their relationship, but neither one have spoken publicly about being "in love with one another." Additionally, this article by Fox News is misleading readers. The headline says, "Travis Kelce on being 'in love' with Taylor Swift: 'It's a beautiful thing.'" The article is based on ESPN Radio's Paul McAfee interview with Travis Kelce. Further down in the article, the author says, "And when [Paul] McAfee used the words "in love," there was no denial from Kelce." Meaning that neither of them actually came out to say that are in love with one another.

Exaggerated/ Misleading

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