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in General Factchecking by Innovator (51.8k points)
Taylor Swift Pulls Eras Tour Film Screenings In Israel #TaylorSwift #ErasTour #TSTheErasTourFilm #riristea #rivetsoro
by Newbie (280 points)
1 0
This post is misleading, although this tik toks makes claims it is not a reliable source of information. When looking into it through different sources I found on factcheck.org, a reputable resource, that these claims are false and misleading. With the political tension going on in Israel right now, claims these big can be very damaging. This is one of the sources I looked at to fact-check.


9 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.5k points)
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Best answer

Taylor Swift did not cancel her screenings of The Eras Tour in Israel. As reported by the entertainment website TMZ, Taylor Swift works with a third-party company that organizes the website postings for her worldwide showtimes. This third party ran into technical difficulties when posting the showtimes for the Israel screenings, causing the tickets to be temporarily inaccessible to customers. Taylor Swift and her team do not directly organize the ticketing for her screenings. TMZ also explains that the screenshot being shown in the TikTok video was a result of an internet glitch and the screenings were not postponed. Thus, claims about how Taylor Swift pulled The Eras Tour screenings in Israel are false. 

Additionally, an independent Google search run by Soch Fact Check found that tickets for the film were available for sale in Israel as of November 10th, 2023. Fact checks conducted by Politifact.com and Factcheck.org have come to the same conclusion. 





by Novice (890 points)
0 0
I like how thorough and concrete the evidence is for your argument. the amount of sources is very good and makes me believe that Taylor Swift did not pull her movie out of theatres.
by Apprentice (1.1k points)
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I agree with your claim and appreciate you citing TMZ. TMZ as a news outlet has shown us on multiple accounts that it is only concerned about money. The Jerusalem Post also confirms the movie in October.
 Source: https://www.jpost.com/j-spot/article-760639
by Newbie (480 points)
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I agree with your claim and fact-check that Taylor Swift didn't pull her screenings in Israel. However, I question how reliable TMZ as a source is. I know it is used frequently for popular culture events, but would appreciate another news outlet (from Israel instead). Also, I have never used politifact and am wondering how reliable this source is as well. An article from the Jerusalem Post proves the movie was screened in Jerusalem.

by Novice (830 points)
0 0
I like that you utilized numerous fact-checking sites in order to prove this claim to be false. However, can I ask what made you choose TMZ? I fear that the credibility of the site can be skewed according to their previous values with celebrities. Is there a reliable claim in that website? And if so, have they gathered their information from credible sources?
2 like 1 dislike
by Novice (960 points)

This TikTok link is fake news. I fact-checked it through multiple sources, including PolitiFact and factcheck.org, and The Era tour movie is, in fact, screening in Israel. TikTok is not a good source of information and always needs to be fact-checked before believing it.

by Novice (880 points)
1 0
I agree with your claim that Taylor Swift pulling her Eras Tour movie from theaters in Israel is fake news. I was wondering what PolitiFact's background was and why you chose it as one of your sources to defend the incorrect nature of this post? I've never used this source before and would love to learn more about it and potentially use it myself in the future. I also stand with you on your claim that TikTok is not a good source of information and think it can offer lots of misinformation to a gullible, and oftentimes young, audience. Did you find that with a fast search this information was shown incorrect or did it take some digging on your end?
by Novice (550 points)
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I agree with your statement on how TikTok isn't a good source of information. I'm curious what makes the websites you used reliable? What sources did those fact-checking websites use to come to this conclusion about the claim?
by Apprentice (1.1k points)
0 0
I agree that TikTok is not a good source. I do think it would be helpful to see the links you used disputing this claim. Who commented on this claim to confirm it is still being played in Israel? Was it Taylor Swift or a trusted source that can confirm it is still being played? I think the links showing us what your sources said would be great to look at!
by Novice (600 points)
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I agree with your findings that the Taylor Swift movie was not banned in Israel. You are 100% right in the fact that Tik Tok is not a good source, and people should not rely on a social media app with such loose guidelines for news and information. Is there a reason you used factcheck.org? What makes that website trustworthy?
by Novice (700 points)
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I would agree with your comment that TikTok is not a credible source for this information. I think that it's very trustworthy that you fact-checked with multiple sources before deciding whether to believe this spread of information. Would you say that PolitiFact is an efficient fact-checking website after your experience with it?
by Innovator (51.8k points)
0 0
Which PolitiFact and Factcheck.org articles did you use for your fact-check? Please provide complete hyperlinks to your sources.
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by Journeyman (2.2k points)

This video has been debunked by FactCheck.org. In the article that FactCheck.org posted, they cited an article from TMZ.com, which explains why people could not find the Israel locations for the movie. They said that a third-party company is responsible for posting the showtimes for the Eras movies, and there was just a delay. FactCheck.org also cites an article from The Jerusalem Post, which interviews a Taylor Swift fan who went to see the movie in Jerusalem, Israel. This article was posted on November 6, 2023, which was the same day the TikTok video claimed Taylor Swift pulled the Eras movie from Israel. The writer of this article has been writing for The Jerusalem Post since 2001, and she has also worked for The New York Post.  




by Novice (840 points)
0 0
I really appreciate the fact that you not only said the information was false, but expanded on why the rumor started in the first place. Along with this, I like that you explained the credibility of your sources by examining the length the writer has worked at the organization and their history in other newspapers. Good job!
by Novice (880 points)
0 0
I found your comment to be very thorough and helpful in both addressing the rumor and disproving the details behind it. I thought you gave an excellent, well rounded but concise response with sources and information that addresses wether the fact was true or false. In your answer your also discussed in detail the background information leading to the rumor which was helpful to disprove all the little red flags in my head that initially arose from reading the headline. I also appreciated the dates you added in to give your response even further credibility.
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by Novice (840 points)
Taylor Swift did not pull the Eras Tour Film Screenings in Israel. I first found this information on Poltifact which said they went to the Eras Tour website https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/nov/09/viral-image/taylor-swift-fans-in-israel-can-still-see-the-eras/. I next went to the website and looked at participating territories https://www.tstheerastourfilm.com/participating-territories/ . Israel is in fact still on the list.
by Apprentice (1.3k points)
0 0
Based on the sources you and other authors have provided, I believe that the original post regarding screenings being pulled is false. Despite this, I do believe that a better explanation is needed when providing fact-checks. While I am perfectly capable of clicking on links and reading the articles you have provided, I wish you would have explained to me why they proved the point to be false so I didn't have to draw those conclusions myself.
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by Novice (880 points)

The claim that “Taylor Swift has pulled her ‘Eras Tour’ film screenings in Israel” is false. Taylor Swift did not cancel her showings in Israel and this fact can be confirmed by the site FactCheck.org. Through further research on this site, I found that there was an article posted on TMZ.com that her showings didn’t appear on the movie app due to a delay caused by a third party who manages the app. It also discusses an interview with a Taylor Swift fan who lives in Israel and tells of going to see the movie first hand. The original false claim was posted by TikTok account @riristea, an account dedicated to covering flash celebrity news stories, which is an account that covers stories quickly with little time spent researching its legitimacy. In addition to this being an untrustworthy source of reporting information, Factcheck.com is confirmed a trustworthy site that proves this main claim false as well as numerous comments under the original post on newsdetective.org disproving this claim.

by Innovator (51.8k points)
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This is a thorough fact-check, but missing URL links to your sources. Don't forget to include them in future fact-checks.
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by Novice (550 points)

The claim that "Taylor Swift Pulls Era Tour Film Screenings In Israel" is false. The TikTok isn't a reliable source for this information. The user mentions that their information and claim is based on posts they found on Twitter; which is not real evidence. According to an article from TMZ, fans were jumping to conclusions based on technical issues with the website. The delay was not due to Taylor Swift. The article shares that fans were still able to purchase Era's Tour movie tickets in person, and it was just the website that was having delays.  The claim was posted on a TikTok account @riristea, which is a page created to spread celebrity news stories. However, the legitimacy of her page is questionable since she uses few sources and profits based on the amount of views the page receives despite whether they're true or not.


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by Journeyman (2.1k points)

Claim: Taylor Swift has pulled her “Eras Tour” film screenings in Israel

Background: TikTok account “RiRi’s Tea” reported that Taylor Swift had pulled Era’s Tour screenings in Israel on November 6, 2023. The evidence provided in the TikTok consisted of screenshots posted on Twitter with the message, “All screenings for this country are postponed until further notice.” Multiple news sources have cited this specific TikTok from Rivet Soro, a celebrity news vlogger, as the primary rumor source.

Fact Check: This claim was made in the TikTok linked but the information in the Tiktok is incorrect. The Daily Express US and Linkedin both cite TMZ as the primary source for debunking the rumor. TMZ, a more reputable news source than RiRi’s Tea, debunked this rumor, saying that ticket sites ran into technical difficulties when releasing tickets to the movie because of its popularity. TMZ made this determination by doing their own research into the availability of tickets in Israel. TMZ determined that a third-party company that was selling tickets to the Eras Tour movie appeared to be inaccessible in Israel because of technical issues. They also determined that individual theater sites were not having any issues selling tickets and that all ticket sale sites had fixed technical issues. On November 6, 2023, the same day the TikTok was published, the Jerusalem Post published an article about the film that included interviews with Israeli fans who had seen the film over the weekend when the website said screenings were canceled. The Linkedin article attempted to reach Swift’s agents but did not receive a response.


TMZ: https://www.tmz.com/2023/11/06/taylor-swift-eras-movie-film-playing-israel-speculation-rumors/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/taylor-swift-film-being-screened-israel-contrary-online-fast-news-dbqhf/

Express Daily US: https://www.the-express.com/entertainment/movies/117546/taylor-swift-eras-movie-Israel

Jerusalem Post: https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/culture/article-771845

by Innovator (51.8k points)
0 0
I like how organized and structured your fact-check is.
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by Apprentice (1.0k points)

This post is wrong and misleading. This rumor started when Taylor Swift's website crashed on the day of the release of the movie because of the number of fans on the site at once. When the site crashed it showed that there weren't any locations available for her movie in Israel. The website below is called The Jerusalem Post and shares where the movie will be shown in Israel starting on October 13th. It's no surprise for this confusion given the fact that Taylor Swift has spoken out against the violence and genocide taking place overseas right now but this claim is false and can be damaging for her reputation and shouldn't be spread. 


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by Champion (14.5k points)

This claim is false. Taylor Swift did not cancel the showing of The Eras Tour. While some information provided on TikTok is true, there are still a large amount of false and misleading information. A woman on TikTok made the claim that Swift's website had a message that stated "All screenings for this country are postponed until further notice." According to PolitiFact.com, there was no identification of this message and the Nov. 8 viewing date was still available for purchase on the website. On Nov. 6, TMZ reported that there was a technical issue caused by a third-party company that made Israel tickets unable to be seen on Swift's website. However, on additional Israel tickets sites, there were tickets available for purchase. This claim is simply a misunderstanding that was blown out of proportion.


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• Always list your sources and include links so readers can check them for themselves.
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• Watch for bias in sources and let readers know if you find anything that might influence their perspective.
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