–25 votes
in General Factchecking by Genius (43.4k points)
Denzel Washington has terminal cancer.
by Novice (760 points)
According to multiple trusted sources, Denzel Washington has not reported to have been diagnosed with terminal cancer. This claim is false. I first read the article attached, and found nothing conveying that he is sick - only speculation and rumors. After doing my own research, I have found no sign that this claim is true. Each article written debunks this rumor, and provides updates on the incredibly talented actor.

by (160 points)
I agree with your fact check and think you did a great job in explaining and adding your sources as evidence.

28 Answers

+3 votes
by Novice (520 points)
According to my credible sources, Denzel Washington is not sick and this claim is false. There are multiple credible educational websites that state points that debunk this rumor. There are sources quoting Washington's publicist stating that he is in good health and not suffering from any known illnesses. After this rumor, there were many articles coming forward to clear the false information with sources from his family and team, which make me believe that this claim is false.



+2 votes
by Novice (890 points)
I have concluded that this claim is false. According to fact checking wedsite Snopes the rumor of started in December 2019. This rumor was also mentioned in a YouTube video title by the channel Cinematic Legends. In this video they do not mention the rumor and only talk about the actors career and accomplishments. This claim has also not been talked about by Denzel or his family either. It also seems people may believe in this rumor because Denzel shaved his head.

+2 votes
by Novice (810 points)

The claim that Denzel Washington has terminal cancer is false. When using the key words “Denzel Washington terminal cancer,” in the search bar the first source that comes up is from Snopes. Snopes is a reputable fact-checking organization for U.S. national news. From this completed fact check, I was able to trace the origin of the claim to rumors made back in December 2019. Since then, these rumors have resurfaced. The article in which this claim is based was published by SCP Magazine in October 2023. This article consists of Washington's journey to fame and describes his career accomplishments. Additionally, it makes the claim that Washington was diagnosed with terminal cancer in December 2019, and he is “spending his last days in the hospital after receiving chemotherapy for a prolonged length of time.” This article only accounts for Washington's family for its source of information. Despite making this claim, there is no other news coverage that supports the claim that Denzel Washington has terminal cancer. Lastly, SCP Magazine is an entertainment news site. They claim that they are committed to following an accurate fact-checking policy, specifically saying that they correct errors promptly. Their lack of corrections and updates towards their claim on Washington goes against their stated policy, leaving room to question their credibility and legitimacy. 

+1 vote
by Novice (500 points)
Based on research This article is false . After doing some digging this is deemed false. Multiple sources have debunked this claim and said this article is false including snoopes.com. This was debunked way before this article was written. The author put this out in 2023, but there was rumors saying he had it in 2019.  I also looked up sco magazine and there seems to be no credibility with this site as I can’t find anything about this website
Exaggerated/ Misleading
+1 vote
by Novice (600 points)

The article titled "Is Denzel Washington Sick? All About The Terminal Cancer Of Famous Actor And Recent Health Updates 2023" can be categorized as fake news due to several reasons. Firstly, the lack of credible sources and evidence raises significant doubts about the authenticity of the information presented. Legitimate news articles typically rely on reliable sources, such as official statements from the concerned individual or their representatives, medical reports from reputable sources, or well-established news organizations. However, this article fails to provide any concrete sources to back up its claims, which undermines its credibility. Additionally, the sensationalized and attention-grabbing headline is a common characteristic of fake news, aiming to generate clicks and online traffic rather than providing accurate information. Furthermore, the article's publication on a dubious or unknown website without a track record of reliable reporting further adds to its questionable nature. It is essential to approach such articles with skepticism and always verify the information from reputable and trustworthy sources before drawing any conclusions.

+1 vote
by Novice (890 points)

After reading the claim and doing research, I have come to the conclusion that Denzel Washington does not have terminal cancer. I attempted to look into the author of the SCP Magazine article and I wasn’t able to find any other articles outside of the website or any history on her. The article does not give any solid evidence in order to back the claim. I was able to find, according to Snopes and erldc.org, that they claim this is not true. This is significant because other websites like “Credibility Collation” claim that Snopes is a reliable and significant website in the fact checking world. There has also been no direct connection of this report through any of Denzel’s or his family's social media accounts. Because of this information I confer that this information is false. 



+1 vote
by Novice (660 points)
There is no ecidence to support that Denzel washington has been diagnosed with termnial cancer. This is false information. This information is from SCPS Magazine and this does not give any refrences to it being relialibe. There is no trend of diffrent websites having this information. When searhing "Does Denzel Washington have terminal cancer" diffrent articles come up talking about how  it's a rumor and Denzel Washington is not sick. After looking at other sources it looks like the rumor started around december 2019.
+1 vote
by Apprentice (1.3k points)
As far as i can tell Denzel Washington does not have terminal cancer. Multiple websites including Snopes have said that this is a false rumor that has been spread since 2019. I couldn't find where the rumor had started from but multiple websites have said that it is in fact fake. I looked at multiple fact checking sites that all said this was fake.
by Apprentice (1.3k points)
We went through very similar processes and had the same result.
+1 vote
by Novice (610 points)

There is no information to suggest Denzel Washington has cancer. There is no way to confirm that Washington does not have cancer because he is a private citizen and his medical information is not public, but there has been zero evidence that Washington does have cancer, so readers should feel confident assuming he is healthy. Furthermore, there have been past claims that Washington had been diagnosed with cancer, all of which have been debunked. 

+1 vote
by Novice (840 points)

There is no evidence Denzel Washington has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. According to Snopes.com, a popular fact checking site, (https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/denzel-washington-illness/) this is a rumor that has been spread since 2019; mostly deriving from “junk” websites and videos as clickbait.


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