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2 Answers

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by Novice (970 points)
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Best answer

The claim that a new bill will give Gen Z and Millennials $1,400 in cash is somewhat misleading. The bill which was introduced, not yet passed, by Michigan Representative, Rashida Tlaib, is called the Youth Homelessness Guaranteed Income Pilot Program Act. This act will target specific groups, primarily minors and young adults under 30 experiencing homelessness. It is not a program which will offer financial support to all Gen Z and Millennials but rather the bill proposes $1,400 in monthly cash aid for these vulnerable individuals over the course of three years in an attempt to combat homelessness among youth populations. The goal is to provide assistance to unhoused individuals to improve housing stability and employment not to provide financial support to all members of Gen Z and Millennials



Exaggerated/ Misleading
by Apprentice (1.4k points)
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Based on your statement, I would agree that this claim is misleading. I appreciate you clarifying further the purpose of this proposed bill and who it will affect. When it is brought up that the government is sending people money it's very important for people to truly understand the terms of the bill, which you did clearly.
by Novice (740 points)
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Based on this statement, your argument is great, and it shows that the claim is misleading based on the sources you provided. You provided reliable sources such as a government website, and you did a great job elaborating on the facts stated in the article.
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by Newbie (420 points)

While your claim is not wrong it just needs more context. There is a bill that is proposed by Rashida Tlaib, but it only gives $1,400 to emancipated minors and adults under 30 who are homeless and not all adults no matter if they are homeless or not.  While the original MSN article is not wrong I got my information straight from Rashida Tlaib's congressional page. Due to Republicans taking control of congress and the presidency  in the recent election this bill is unlikely to pass for at least the next four years.


Exaggerated/ Misleading

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