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by Master (5.1k points)

After reading through the article linked, I do not believe this article makes the same claim as this post. The article claims that the election will be tough for Biden and that he and Trump have a 50/50 chance at being elected. This is reflected in this ABC News report, which finds roughly even public trust between either candidate. ABC News has been found reliable by Ad Fontes Media

Additionally, the claim posed is speculative and, thus, cannot be true or false. There is no telling what will happen, so that can only be hypothetical at the moment. What is true is that polls are finding more trust for Trump than for Biden. What this statistic will lead to cannot be predicted at this moment.

Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
by Apprentice (1.1k points)
1 0
This is a helpful fact check as it correctly understands that in this case, the poster is making the false claim rather then the author of the original article. This is an important distinction as many social media accounts will link accurate sources but have their caption be an unrelated false claim.
by Novice (780 points)
1 0
I think this is a great fact check- especially because the election has not happened yet and we will only know who will win at that time.

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• Watch for bias in sources and let readers know if you find anything that might influence their perspective.
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