This claim, written by Mouse Trap News, seems entirely invalid. When trying to verify the claim in the article's headline, “The Walt Disney Company Buys Epstein Island,” I searched for other sources who could confirm this as fact. Many well-known and larger media companies, such as USA Today and IMDb, have said that the claim from Mouse Trap News is entirely “satire.” According to Mouse Trap News’ own website, they attest to being “the world’s best satire and parody site,” therefore discrediting the information they share. In the “About” section of the outlet’s website, they even state, “We write fake stories about Disney Parks stuff” and “We write 100% made-up parody and satire stories for your enjoyment.” Their main goal, according to what is written on their website, seems to be gaining attraction, views, and the attention of Dinsey themselves. This should give readers an instant red flag when looking at anything the company publishes.
From my research, they seem to be the only company publishing this information as fact and there is nowhere on their website that sites where they received their information, which is discrediting as well. Additionally, an article by a more trusted source, CNBC, completely contradicts the claim by Mouse Trap News, stating that billionaire Stephen Deckoff bought Jeffery Epstein’s islands, not Disney.
Overall, Mouse Trap News themselves don’t even want people to think they are credible, so readers should not believe their claim about Disney buying Epstein Island.,accurate%2C%20but%20it%20is%20fun.