+1 vote
in General Factchecking by Genius (43.4k points)
Biden posted a picture of a notepad on X (formerly Twitter) reading, "I'm stroking my shit rn."
by (100 points)
If you go into Joe Biden's twitter @POTUS you can see that he has not posted a message like this on twitter. The link to the source that did post this is a troll account that baits people into viewing and interacting with the tweet.

Here is a link to Biden's official twitter: https://twitter.com/POTUS

21 Answers

0 votes
by Newbie (240 points)
I checked Joe Bidens X account and checked other news sites to confirm Biden did not post that on X.
0 votes
by (150 points)
This claim is misinformation because it was never true. President Joe Biden has never posted on Twitter claiming that he was "stroking his shit". This was forged by someone else for publicity.
0 votes
by Newbie (240 points)
Joe Biden did not post on X ā€œIā€™m stroking my shit rn.ā€ This was a different X account that photoshopped a screenshot Joe Bidens X account making it seem as if he posted said picture.
0 votes
by Newbie (200 points)
Biden did not post a picture of a notepad on X, claiming he was "stroking himself". There is no evidence, pictures, or media stories covering this news, and no proof it genuinely happened. If this were to have happened, this would immediately be picked up by a news outlet and published as breaking news.
0 votes
by Novice (560 points)
This is false. When scrolling through the X account of President Biden, @POTUS, there is no image of a notepad to be seen on his account stating that. When looking at the link provided, it can easily be seen that it was posted by someone who isn't President Biden, and the image looks digitally created or AI-generated. For those reasons, this is false.
0 votes
by (140 points)
This is a false statement. The screenshot of President Biden's Twitter was fake and photoshopped.
by Genius (43.4k points)
What is your source?
0 votes
by (140 points)
Upon doing some investigating, looking through the POTUS X account and reading through recent posts and or reposts, I can determine that this is in fact false. Biden did not, and to my knowledge, has no made any sort of claims similar to the ones being alleged in the story above. I have determined that this information is most likely satire for comedic purposes.
0 votes
by Newbie (240 points)

President Biden did not post that on X (formerly Twitter). The linked tweet is a version of a meme that has been going around the platform that depicts an edited version of a post Biden made. Biden's original post read "Mental health is health." Since then, people have used the background, font, and color of that post to mimic it, but change what it says. The  "I'm stroking my shit rn" post is an example of that. 

Original Tweet:  https://x.com/POTUS/status/1785689383875580239

0 votes
by Newbie (200 points)
It's hard to say whether this is real or not. The only confirmation I got is from Twitter which is not very reliable.
No available information
0 votes
by (180 points)
The link provided takes you to an X (Twitter) account named "Kloogans", not Joe Biden's. This account reposted a screenshot of an edited image captioning "What did he mean by this?". The image is altered to appear in handwritten font. The account appears similar to the POTUS' X (Twitter), but has never actually been posted by President on his timeline.

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