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in General Factchecking by Novice (840 points)
Taylor Swift donates $5 million toward relief efforts for Hurricane Milton and Helene

After looking at a few different websites, I believe that this claim is true. This claim has been posted by reliable sources such as CNN, Fox, and Daily Mail. Claire Babineaux-Fontenot, The CEO of Feeding America, confirmed Swift's contribution on the organization's Instagram page on October 9th. The post, which can be found at https://www.instagram.com/feedingamerica, thanks the singer for her selfless donation and encourages others to donate as well.
by Novice (700 points)
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I don’t dislike Taylor Swift, but dont you find it a bit ironic that she’s donating relief for a hurricane which its severity is caused by climate change, especially considering she is well-known with her extensive use of a private jet. This choice contributes to carbon emissions that directly impact climate change. in 2022 she put 1100 times more than the average person for carbon emissions

by Novice (880 points)
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I believe when factchecking people should not have biases against what they are trying to prove is true or false. Although you provided a link to an article, you point out the irony of the situation rather than focusing on specific facts.
by Newbie (390 points)
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I appreciate how you looked at many different news sources of varying bias. Especially because Taylor Swift is somewhat controversial these days, to see sources such as Fox News, CNN, and Daily Mail all confirm this is very assuring. I also found a supporting article from AP News: https://apnews.com/article/taylor-swift-donation-hurricane-milton-helene-2705781bef74b54fe7adf3468bfb8053
by Apprentice (1.6k points)
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I really appreciated that you looked across various sources, containing various levels of bias, to confirm this story. Taylor swift is an extremely prominent, yet, arguably, controversial, pariah of pop culture today. To see reputable sources like Feeding America, AP news, CNN, FOX, and Daily mail all confirm the news of her donation is reassuring as a reader, and can lead one to believe it is true.
by Novice (930 points)
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While what you pointed out may be true it has no place in the fact-checking of the question posed by the original poster. Checking multiple credible news sources with different political tendencies confirms it's factual basis.
by Novice (750 points)
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Hi! I believe that your claim is connected to the question at hand and I appreciate the depth of sources you scouted out to make sure your response was thorough. Feeding America is a website I have visited on multiple occasions and every time I have found an abundance of helpful information. Your claim is extremely strong and I benefitted immensely from your answer.
by Newbie (350 points)
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Appreciate the use of many sources, although using the same type of source, just different news channels can be biased. I think in this case it worked out and can confirm your claim to be true.
by Apprentice (1.1k points)
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Discarding Taylor Swift's $5 million dollar donation by spreading very popular criticism about her contributing to climate change is irrelevant and irresponsible. To counter your argument the top 3 carbon emitters of 2023/2024 are: Pitbull (4,549 metric tonnes of CO2 in 396 flights), Travis Scott (3,760 metric tonnes of CO2 in 203 flights) and Kim Kardashian (3,204 metric tonnes of CO2 in 210 flights). Taylor Swift has been known to make many generous donations with hopes of offsetting her carbon output "In Swift's case, her publicist told the AP that she bought double the amount of carbon offsets needed to compensate her travel for the Eras Tour before it kicked off in March." This donation to aid in Milton's destruction is no surprise for anyone who takes the time to research past the slandering rumors about Swift.
Complete list of Swift's charitable donations: https://www.billboard.com/lists/taylor-swifts-charity-donations-gifts-timeline/nov-2023-she-supports-the-mahomies-foundation/

17 Answers

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by Apprentice (1.2k points)
I found the same sources that you did and the CNN article about it that was posted as recently as today. This Claim is 100% true
by Newbie (450 points)
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Hi Thrusher06, I was wondering if you had any other cool articles on this subject to get more of a prospective on this situation. Why did you just use the sources that Olivia posted and not add some more sources to prove this?
by Apprentice (1.2k points)
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I did that because it's so recent not many other sources have talked about it yet. Olivia was very good at finding the articles about it and that was what I was acknowledging.
by Apprentice (1.0k points)
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Well I agree with your claim I feel it would have been more helpful for you to put your source and have more than just one so people could go read your source!
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by Novice (610 points)
The claim "Taylor Swift donates $5 million toward relief efforts for Hurricane Milton and Helene" is true. Sources including CNN and Fox News have confirmed this large donation. On Feeding America's official Instagram page (@feedingamerica), CEO Claire Babineaux-Fontenot expressed her gratitude to Taylor Swift for her generous donation of 5 million dollars.
by Novice (560 points)
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This is great, but how does the CEO's donation link to her donation? Anyone could say they donated, but is there any other sources you looked at that can verify she put down that exact amount of money?
by Apprentice (1.1k points)
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This is good, when I researched further, there seemed to be many credible news sources claiming Taylors donation. While we can never know for certain if the donation truly came from her, the instagram account "Feeding America" seems to provide solid evidence as they are know for thanking those with heavy donations. Feeding America has a donation form linked to donate for Hurricane Helene help, along with other useful resources to help those in need. The organization seems credible and reliable.
by Novice (930 points)
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Hi!! This is a great use of credible information to fact check this. I would be interested to see the exact articles you're referring to from CNN and Fox News to see where they are sourcing their information from. I'm also curious if Feeding America received all $5 million and if not what other organizations were donated to.
by Apprentice (1.0k points)
0 0
This is a good fact check. CNN and Fox News are generally pretty reliable sources and the Instagram for Feeding America itself is also a reliable source. Posting the links to the CNN and Fox News article would be helpful here so we could read through it as well to see exactly what it says but overall it seems that this claim is true and this fact check is reliable.
by (140 points)
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This is a great fact check I would just like to maybe see the actual links to the articles claiming this donation. Also it would help to maybe elaborate on CEO Claire Babineaux-Fontenot statement by showing where exactly Taylors money went to instead of the general term "donation". By showing where exactly her money went to would make it more informational and reliable for people to believe this claim.
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by Newbie (460 points)

Although Swift's donation is noteworthy it is not surprising as she has shared her generosity many times before with those in need. Taylor has donated huge amounts to past organizations. Therefore this multi million dollar donation is not surprising on her part. Brittany Chambers, an author at the Go Fund me team posted an article of inspiring donations made by Taylor swift over the years. This comes to prove the recurring pattern of generosity from the pop star. These 6 Donations From Taylor Swift Will Inspire You

The CEO of Feeding America, Claire Babineaux-Fontenot took it to instagram on October 9th and shared a post thanking Taylor Swift for her 5 million dollar donation found here: https://www.instagram.com/feedingamerica/p/DA6s565tofH/ The exact amount (5 million) is mentioned. Many major news outlets such as CNN and Fox News touched on the attention this post gained and how it encouraged fellow fans and artists to contribute to the cause, Janelle Ash a journalist for Fox News wrote in her article. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/taylor-swift-helps-hurricane-milton-helene-relief-efforts-donates-5m Her Linkedin with more of her work can be found here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/janelle-ash-bba469179/ Although this headline might set us off by the amount of attention it produced, it is in fact true. 

by Novice (880 points)
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The instagram post that you are citing is a good source, and helps prove your factcheck. Something that could strengthen it even more is a more credible source on the validity of this donation, if possible. I do not believe that the fact that Taylor Swift has donated to organizations in the past makes her current donation any more likely, as a very wealthy and beloved celebrity it would be expected of her to donate to some charitable cause at some point.
by Newbie (270 points)
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I like that you used multiple sources, including examples from the past to show that the claim is true. The Go Fund Me article was a really strong piece to back up your answer and showed that Taylor Swift has donated in the past, so it is likely she did it again.
by Newbie (350 points)
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This is a very strong answer because of the many different points you touched on. You credited both CNN and Fox News, which can often be seen on different sides of the news. Therefore, having both of these news outlets support the same claim is very reassuring. Not only that, but specifically fact-checking the 5 million dollar number was also very important.  Explaining her past donations could possibly either be seen as biased or as noteworthy for predictable actions. Either way, this answer touched on every part of the claim.
by Novice (890 points)
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This is a great and well backed up fact check. Your inclusion of quotes and links to credible articles on the topic show your claims are well-researched. It could be interesting to add her total net worth, to show how small of a percent of her money that is in context. However, noting the other various donations she's done throughout the years shows that this isn't just an isolated event but a pattern of generosity that adds up.
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by Newbie (320 points)
This claim is true. As of recent, many major news outlets have reported the same story, including CNN. The CEO of Feeding America also released a statement thanking Swift on Instagram. "https://www.instagram.com/p/DA6s565tofH/?igsh=MTRtYTFqejd2dHh1OA=="
by Novice (680 points)
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It is great that you found other news sources to support this claim! Could you link those news sources? Also, you said there were "many major news outlets" who reported the same story. Besides CNN, what are the other major news outlets? Could you also please link those? I think it would make your answer stronger.
by Novice (700 points)
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While it seems like many major news outlets reported this, which exact news outlets said this and where did they find this information? Citing your credible sources improves your answer as well is more clear to the reader.
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by (140 points)

This claim is true as the nonprofit "Feeding America" posted about Taylor Swifts donation towards them. As they stated in their Instagram caption: "Thank you, @taylorswift, for standing with us in the movement to end hunger and helping communities in need in the wake of #HurricaneHelene and #HurricaneMilton. Together, we can make a real impact in supporting families as they navigate the challenges ahead." Other websites like The Los Angelos News have confirmed Taylor Swift's large donation.

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by Novice (580 points)

According to multiple credible sources including CNN Taylor Swift has indeed made significant donations to aid those affected by hurricane Milton and Helene. The organization's Instagram page expressed profound gratuity for her generous contribution of $5 million towards hurricane relief efforts.

Not Misinformation 


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by Novice (780 points)

The claim that Taylor Swift donated 5 million dollars to relief efforts for both Hurricane Milton and Helene is 100% true. CNN, a reputable news source, confirms Swift's donation from a post made by the CEO of Feeding America herself,

"On Wednesday, Feeding America CEO Claire Babineaux-Fontenot said in a statement posted to the organization’s Instagram page that they’re 'incredibly grateful' for the superstar singer’s $5 million donation toward hurricane relief efforts. 'This contribution will help communities rebuild and recover, providing essential food, clean water, and supplies to people affected by these devastating storms,' the statement read. 'Together, we can make a real impact in supporting families as they navigate the challenges ahead.'"

Another news channel called NBC 6 South Florida also confirms the donation made by Swift and they used evidence such as a photo of the post made by Mrs. Babineaux-Fontenot thanking Swift for her generosity.

If anyone would like to see the articles, here are the links: https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/09/entertainment/taylor-swift-donation-hurricane-relief/index.html


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by (140 points)

Taylor Swift donates $5 million toward relief efforts for Hurricane Milton and Helene. I think the truthfulness in this statement is there. Taylor Swift’s net worth according to People.com which is People’s Magazine, said Swift’s net worth is approximately 1.6 billion. Swift most definitely has the money to kindly give 5 million of it for a natural disaster. I also can see this as a tax write off as well, although I would hope it was not simply for the tax write off help. People’s magazine gpt their information from the known Forbes.com.  Swift told Time Magazine in December 2023 that she hopes her success will inspire people to invest more in women. With that also being in the People’s Magazine article, it is showing that Swift will give to the community in many ways besides natural disasters. CNN posted an article about Taylor Swift donating 5 million dollars toward relief efforts for the Hurricane Milton disaster. CNN cites an Instagram post by Feeding America CEO Claire Babineaux-Fontenot who said in a post posted to the organization’s Instagram page that they’re “incredibly grateful” for Swift’s 5 million gift toward the hurricane relief efforts.

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by Novice (860 points)
edited by
This claim is true. Sources such as Forbes, USA Today, CNN, and Fox have all written about this claim, which leads me to believe it's more than just a rumor. More evidence of this is that Feeding America themselves posted about their gratitude for Taylor's contribution, "We're incredibly grateful to Taylor Swift for her generous $5 million donation to Hurricane Helene and Milton relief efforts." In the post they also specifically thank her for standing with their movement to help the communities in need. The CEO of Feeding America, Claire Babineaux-Fontenot, signed off on the message as well.

The link to the post by Feeding America

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by Apprentice (1.0k points)

This is true, Taylor Swift donated $5 billion to Feeding America which is aiding in Hurricane Helene and Milton relief.  Both of these sources explain the full story and how it led to the organization asking for people to donate with her to help.  



by Novice (880 points)
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I'm also convinced this is true, especially because the nbc article talks about how donating to natural disaster relief is something she has done a lot before, and both these sources note that the nonprofit organizations themselves have publicly thanked her.

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• Be respectful
• Always list your sources and include links so readers can check them for themselves.
• Use primary sources when you can, and only go to credible secondary sources if necessary.
• Try to rely on more than one source, especially for big claims.
• Point out if sources you quote have interests that could affect how accurate their evidence is.
• Watch for bias in sources and let readers know if you find anything that might influence their perspective.
• Show all the important evidence, whether it supports or goes against the claim.