This article claims that social media is directly linked to mental illness. The Economist itself has been credited as highly reliable. It is also neither left or right wing. It is also an english weekly news magazine that is edited in London, UK. The UK has different and more straightforward standards in news journalism compared to the US, which often relies on sensationalism.
UK vs. US News: The Real Differences | by Melissa Moreno | Medium
The article quotes multiple surveys and studies from credible sources, for example they cite, a science organization focused on bringing knowledge and science to society's core.
Association of Facebook Use With Compromised Well-Being: A Longitudinal Study | Semantic Scholar
Not only does it cover UK citizens, they also pull from an American survey by Semantic Scholar, a .org site. This ensures that the claim is not UK specific.
Social Media and Youth Mental Health
In the U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory PDF, it states, “ A systematic review of 42 studies on the effects of excessive social media use found a consistent relationship between social media use and poor sleep quality, reduced sleep duration, sleep difficulties, and depression among youth. Poor sleep has been linked to altered neurological development in adolescent brains, depressive symptoms, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors. On a typical weekday, nearly 1-in-3 adolescents report using screen media until midnight or later.” This data supports the Economist’s claim, “Each week it asks its 1m users whether they are happy or sad with the amount of time they have spent on various platforms. Nearly 63% of Instagram users report being miserable, a higher share than for any other social network. They spend an average of nearly an hour per day on the app. The 37% who are happy spend on average just over half as long”
Overall, This article is very reliable and is heavily backed up by credible sources and studies. It does not appeal to emotions or sensationalism and instead shows statistical evidence. The claims it makes are true.