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ago in General Factchecking by Genius (43.9k points)
The 2020 election was stolen. Far too much evidence has surfaced since the election, to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that there was election fraud.

3 Answers

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ago by (180 points)

This claim has zero truth to it and is unequivocally false. A person in power claiming something as huge as an election being stolen gained lots of attention, and it has been disproved. This claim and other issues created by it have been taken to court several times, and the results of every one of these cases suggest that this was untrue. Liz Cheney, former Chair of the House Republican Conference, publicly stated in 2021 that, "The president and many around him pushed this idea that the election had been stolen. And that is a dangerous claim. It wasn't true,". She also said that there were 60+ court cases in which judges looked at evidence and said there was no proof of widespread fraud. There were also many cases that did not even reach the court because of a lack of evidence. The first link I provided details a few of the many court cases. Christopher Krebs, a government employee who was in charge of monitoring the security of the election, stated there had never been a more secure election in our country than the 2020 election. Furthermore, a popular talking point of those in support of this claim is that Biden magically surpassed Trump in a few key states after the night of the election. However, it had already been widespread information that lots and lots of absentee ballots would be counted after the day of the election. It was public information that these ballots would be counted a bit late, and this breaks zero laws. Lastly, audits were held in several states, including ones where Trump called fraud. In Georgia, they unprecedentedly audited all of the absentee ballots (had never been done in Georgia) and not a single fraudulent ballot was found. Audits in other states also found no fraud. This is a very dangerous claim that has never had any truth to it and it must be put to rest.

Info: https://campaignlegal.org/results-lawsuits-regarding-2020-elections


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ago by Novice (620 points)

 The 2020 election was not stolen. The claim that it was, has been refuted by a numerous amount of government officials - some of which was part of his own administration. According to AP News Media, "Trump’s allegations of massive voting fraud have been refuted by a variety of judges, state election officials and an arm of his own administration’s Homeland Security Department.". This is clearly showing that the election was not stolen.

In the same article, AP News Media reviews the results of the electoral college, where Trump received 232 votes versus Biden who received 306 votes. It also compares the 2016 election, "...the same margin that Trump had when he beat Hillary Clinton in 2016, which he repeatedly described as a “landslide.” (Trump ended up with 304 electoral votes because two electors defected.)". Trump contradicts himself in these continuous statements of a "stolen" election, when the same margins won him the 2016 election in a "landslide". 

Also, the 2020 presidential election was the most secure in American history. From a Reuters article, "The 2020 presidential election was the most secure in American history, according to a statement issued by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, on Nov. 12, 2020.". Once again, this proves that there was no fraud. Through the Reuters article, it led me to the official statement in which it says " There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.". 

Overall, the claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen is false. There is a mountain of evidence that proves the election was not stolen.




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ago by (180 points)

The 2020 Election Was Stolen 

Claim: The 2020 election was stolen. Far too much evidence has surfaced since the election, to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that there was election fraud.

Source: bsky.app and https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/11/politics/jd-vance-trump-2020-election/index.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=blueskyCNN&utm_content=2024-10-11T23:07:20

Fact-Check: This claim was originally posted on the app Bluesky, and then later was transferred over to Newsdetective, but it is completely false. The 2020 election was never stolen. The user who made the claim mentioned that there is a lot of evidence about this election fraud, which should’ve been the main focus of his claim, but there is zero clear evidence pointing to the election being stolen from Donald Trump. In the very article that this user referenced, it never clearly mentions that the 2020 election was stolen. This claim has been debunked throughout various reliable sources, especially including political scientist Andrew C. Eggers and his colleagues, Haritz Garro and Justin Grimmer, who, in their extremely informative article, use statistics and graphs based on many different topics such as county vs. vote distribution, expected bellwether wins, and many more interesting topics. The writers in this article talks about the fact that, “"The reason Biden won a clear majority of votes while winning a minority of counties is that his support was concentrated in populous counties. This is typical of recent Democratic presidential candidates” (Eggers 9). Also with all their evidence, they came to the conclusion that there was nothing in their statistical tests that supported Trump’s claim of a stolen election. Furthermore, in another great source, the former chair of the House Republican Conference, Liv Cheney, stated in 2021, "There were over 60 court cases where judges, including judges appointed by President Trump and other Republican presidents, looked at the evidence in many cases and said there is not widespread fraud” (CLC 2). It seems that the popular idea was that Biden, out of nowhere, received votes and surpassed Trump in key states after the night of the election. It was mentioned all over the news and articles that the ballots would be counted a little later than usual, which is completely fair and breaks no laws. In Georgia, an unprecedented audit was done of all absentee ballots - something that has never happened before in the state - and not one fraudulent vote was found. Audits in other states also found no signs of fraud. This claim has been proven wrong numerous times and needs to stop being said on social media. There are opinions, and then there are straight lies. 

My Sources: 



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