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ago in General Factchecking by Newbie (220 points)
eating dark chocolate gives you protection against free radicals, cardiovascular disease, may prevent cancer, and also improves cognitive function. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants, increases clotting ability of blood platelets, and it decreases mental impairment.
ago by (140 points)
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I agree with these points and do think it can help with all the things you listed. The only thing I'd have to add is that dark chocolate is incredibly calorie-dense, so in moderation only it is effective, and eating too much could lead to other problems.
ago by (140 points)
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I agree with these points and do think it can help with all the things you listed. The only thing I'd have to add is that dark chocolate is incredibly calorie-dense, so in moderation only it is effective, and eating too much could lead to other problems.
ago by (170 points)
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I also agree with these points, dark chocolate is proven to have lots of health benefits like improving blood flow, lowering blood pressure, and reducing inflammation. After looking it up it says it’s healthy to eat approximately 1 to 2 ounces a day. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/dark-chocolate
ago by Newbie (230 points)
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I disagree with chocolate having health benifits because its unhealthy for you because I've never heard of healthy chocolate and it has a lot of sugar and body fat.
ago by Newbie (260 points)
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Are there health disadvantages linked to eating dark chocolate?
ago by Novice (870 points)
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I agree with the points you made, Dark Chocolate has many health benefits as proven by the article you cited, although this article does not show it's sources and is an advertisement for dark chocolate popcorn which makes it a less trustworthy source.
ago by Newbie (220 points)
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I love that you added all the benefits that eating dark chocolate can give you instead of just saying its good for you. I like the source you gave as well i have used them before for a fact check
ago by Newbie (310 points)
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Although you claim that dark chocolate is good for health its not exactly a fruit or vegetable and it still should be eaten in moderation like all other foods.

14 Answers

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ago by (180 points)
edited ago by


The main claim that dark chocolate has health benefits is true. However, its important to consider the exaggeration within the article with claims like, considered one of the top-ranking superfoods. In researching that claim I found no matches. Some of the supporting arguments also have arguable accuracy. According to the Harvard article, "dark chocolate is best choice for health—but don’t turn it into medicine, Cocoa powder contains flavonoids, substances that are full of antioxidants and may help lower the risk of some chronic diseases and improve mood and cognition." The article goes further to explain "the darker chocolate is, the more likely it is to be high in flavonoids and low in sugar, and to not contain added fats. White chocolate is the least healthy variety as it contains no cocoa and is high in fats and sugar." This goes to show that the generalization in the claim made that "dark chocolate contains high amounts of flavanols... [which has] been linked to protecting the heart from cardiovascular diseases "is misleading. Another source, the Washington post warns us that "you won’t get the same benefits if you eat too much of the wrong kind of chocolate. Many of our favorite chocolates, including those found in many red, heart-shaped boxes, are ultra-processed candy full of added sugar, milk and tropical oils, or even milk or white chocolate." All in all this primary claim may be true but the article is misleading. 
The Harvard school of public health is reputable. There was also a quote from a professor which demonstrates a valid contribution. As for the Washington Post article, the writer is a Washington-based freelance writer who specializes in health, science and the environment. She was a Washington reporter for the Los Angeles Times covering public health, biomedical research policy, and food and drug regulation.
Exaggerated/ Misleading
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ago by Newbie (220 points)

Fact Checking the claim “Dark Chocolate has Health Benefits”, I have found it to be true. The article was posted on the website “Popcorn for the People”, and after further research I found this to be a popcorn company. The article goes on to cite hsph.harvard.edu, stating the various health benefits of dark chocolate. Among these include better heart health, antioxidants, cancer prevention, and improved cognitive function. After researching hsph.harvard.edu on my own, I have found this source to be quite trustable. The source comes from a school of public health that describes itself as research driven, and striving to develop solutions to health problems. Thus, I have no doubts the school has done research into the benefits of dark chocolate. Furthermore, I have found all the benefits of dark chocolate that were mentioned in the article to be confirmed by other sources. After researching, I found an article from Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials, a site dedicated to health, confirming these benefits. It mentions how dark chocolate contains flavanols, which benefits your heart and overall cardiovascular system. Additionally, dark chocolate has minerals and antioxidants. The article cites these benefits from Devon Peart, a dietitian. Research led me to find Peart to be a registered dietician, as well as a private practice nutrition coach. Thus, she is a reliable source.

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ago by (180 points)
While it is true that dark chocolate does provide protection against cancer and cardiovascular disease as well as other health benefits, it is also high in calories. If too much dark chocolate is consumed it can be detrimental to your health. Also, major chocolate brands such as Hershey and Lily's have faced legal action after traces of lead and cadmium were found in its dark chocolate products.



Exaggerated/ Misleading
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ago by Newbie (220 points)

The claim that dark chocolate does have health benefits is true. However it is good to still eat it in moderation. In the article I found by University of California Davis showed that Dark chocolate does have many different health benefits. “Most dark chocolate is rich in plant chemicals called flavanols. Flavanols are antioxidants linked to a lower risk of heart disease.” It can reduce cardiovascular disease, and could help prevent types of cancer. The article also states that dark chocolate is a good source of soluble fiber, vitamins, and minerals (like iron, zinc, and magnesium). I would agree with this claim that dark chocolate has health benefits. 



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