Though complex, the idea that dark chocolate has health advantages is mostly true. Studies verify that dark chocolate contains a lot of antioxidants that fight oxidative stress, such as flavonols, polyphenols, and catechins. According to research published in *the Chemistry Central Journal*, dark chocolate has more antioxidants than various foods. A meta-analysis published in *The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition* suggests that the flavanols in dark chocolate may have a small lowering effect on blood pressure. This tiny advantage is only available with chocolate 70% or more cacao. Like this, dark chocolate may lower the risk of heart disease by enhancing vascular function and reducing inflammation; however, consuming too much sweet chocolate may offset these advantages.
According to The Journal of Nutrition, flavanols have also been connected to improved skin resilience to UV radiation, although high-flavanol chocolate offers the most advantages. Although long-term impacts are still being studied, preliminary data, such as research published in Nature Neuroscience, reveals cognitive advantages, including enhanced attention and memory.
Healthline is a reliable source, although further context is needed for the assertions. The quality of the chocolate ingested and moderation are key factors in the benefits. The assertion is therefore largely accurate, although care should be used while choosing products and consuming them.