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in General Factchecking by Newbie (440 points)
eating dark chocolate gives you protection against free radicals, cardiovascular disease, may prevent cancer, and also improves cognitive function. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants, increases clotting ability of blood platelets, and it decreases mental impairment.
ago by (100 points)
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Dark chocolate is known to have many health benefits, however it isn't something that should be enjoyed as part of ones everyday diet. It is very dense in calories and should be eaten in moderation as with anything. The article is not misleading in the fact that chocolate does indeed have benefits but the article neglects to include the fact that it should be consumed too heavily or there will be some health consequences.
ago by (100 points)
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From what I have heard dark chocolate is good for you and has health benefits however the source you used is a bit iffy.
ago by (180 points)
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These claims that dark chocolate has antioxidants, helps with cardiovascular health and boosts cognitive function are supported by various scientific studies I found online. In an article by the healthline they confirm that dark chocolate has a lot of antioxidants, aswell as lowering blood pressure and increasing cognitive function. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/7-health-benefits-dark-chocolate?utm_source=chatgpt.com. It is very important to not that chocolate is high in calories and sugar so it is good in moderation.
ago by Newbie (260 points)
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The claim itself, that dark chocolate has many health benefits, can be supported by a source like Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
However, the source that was cited doesn’t appear to be reputable. The overall format of the site is not visually professional and looking at the organization, it appears to be one that focuses on developmental disabilities rather than a medical journal
ago by (100 points)
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I agree with this claim that dark chocolate helps with many things such as cardiovascular disease, may prevent cancer, and also improves cognitive function.  these claims are highly supported by other studies online and can show many more benefits as well. They also site sources like Harvard Medicine to help their claim.

102 Answers

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ago by Newbie (300 points)
This claim is accurate, however, the source could be bettered to back it furthermore. This is a blog post, meaning it is not a peer reviewed academic text or even published journalistic article. Also, the post does not provide sources besides Jilian Levy, Senior Writer at Dr Axe, an independent nutrition site. The National Library of Medicine, Cleveland Clinic, and NPR all provide information on the benefits of dark chocolate and it's helpful factors such as cutting risk of diabetes, antioxidant powers, and improving heart health. All of these support the claim that dark chocolate has health benefits. It has been proven that it is nutrient plentiful, but in moderation. My sources are provided below:



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ago by Newbie (310 points)
edited ago by
It is true, dark chocolate does have health benefits. Not to be compared to other treats like milk or white chocolate which don't always actually have cocoa solids. The higher the percentage of cocoa solids, the less added sugar which means more health benefits. According to health Cleveland clinic, it is rich in minerals like magnesium, copper, iron, zinc, and phosphorus. It is also quoted to be rich in flavanols, fiber, and is also said to enhance mood and protect from sun damage. The only piece to be aware of is making sure your intaking dark chocolate in moderation.

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ago by Newbie (300 points)

Dark chocolate does in fact have health benefits. Most dark chocolate is rich in flavanols, which are a plant based chemical. These flavanols are antioxidants that have been tied to a lower risk of heart disease. Dark chocolate also includes many other “health-promoting” elements including, polyphenols, procyanidins, theobromines, as well as vitamins and minerals that positively balance our immune systems. It also contains anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial properties. 



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ago by Newbie (310 points)

The claim "Dark chocolate has health benefits" is true. However, you should consume dark chocolate in moderation. Along with paying attention to what the article is saying, even though the benefits to dark chocolate are true, they leave out the part that eating a large amount can cause heart risks because they are trying to sell you their dark chocolate popcorn the whole time. 

After reading two other articles, both tell the same information about the benefits you're receiving, such as lowing cholesterol, blood sugar, and many more. Researchers in 2018 found that eating 30g of dark chocolate a day for 8 weeks greatly reduced inflammation in people with type 2 diabetes. However, the main benefits come from flavanol, and the amount of flavanols in your dark chocolate varies from what manufacturer you get it from because there is no legal requirement minimum manufacturers need to add. 

After reading the article, it is very easy to no notice it's one big ad for you to buy their dark chocolate popcorn; however, the facts don't lie, and the benefits are true just be cautious where you get your chocolate from as one brand of chocolate might contain a lower amount of what you want going into your body.




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ago by Newbie (300 points)

This claim is true. A 2014 study found that dark chocolate has antioxidants that lower blood pressure, improve cardiovascular health, improve cognitive functioning, balances the immune system, boosts athletic performance via improved circulation and combats diabetes.


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ago by Newbie (360 points)

This article is claiming that Dark Chocolate has multiple health benefits, such as protection against free radicals, cardiovascular diseases, improved cognitive function, and the potential to prevent cancer. When they dive into each of these claims individually, there is some evidence that is factual. The problem is the overhype of small health benefits.

This article was written by a company that sells popcorn, with some recipes including dark chocolate. While this could raise red flags for a hidden agenda, they quote a Harvard study from hsph.Harvard.edu which is a credible source.

Dark chocolate: An overview of its biological activity, processing, and fortification approaches - PMC

“Intestinal inflammation is also delayed by cocoa polyphenol by reducing neutrophil infiltration and the expression of the different transcription factors, thus, the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines is getting lowered. Cocoa polyphenol also possesses chemoprotective effects, antimutagenic effects, anticarcinogenic and antiproliferative effects, etc.” This directly backs up the claim “Dark chocolate is loaded with radical fighting antioxidants. Antioxidants such as vitamins and phytochemicals…”

Is Chocolate Good for You? | American Cancer Society

It makes a big claim that chocolate may prevent cancer. The American Cancer Society states, “Regardless, the studies have come back with mixed results. Some report that eating chocolate may lower the risk of certain cancers, while others show no benefit. Still others show that eating chocolate increases cancer risk. There is stronger evidence suggesting that eating chocolate may help prevent heart disease. Flavanols have been shown to lower blood pressure and make your heart, veins, and arteries work better”. The “may” in the statement, “May Prevent Cancer”, it's a very strong may. This is a slightly misleading claim as, stated above, results or research varies and contradicts other studies.

Overall the broad idea is true and backed by credible sources, but its benefits are overhyped and have very little impact on one's health. The fact that they end the article with a link to buy their popcorn almost discredits them.

Exaggerated/ Misleading
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ago by Newbie (300 points)

When I read the claim that dark chocolate has health benefits I was very interested. I definitely thought this claim was questionable but after research, I found out that this claim is very much accurate. Dark chocolate improves blood flow help lowering blood pressure and reduces insulin resistance. It also reduces inflammation and the risk for heart disease. I got this information from an article by medial news today. The article does mention how even with all these benefits it is hard to know how easily this affects you because a majority of the cocoa we eat is highly processed. 

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ago by Newbie (300 points)

Dark Chocolate contains antioxidants that can help protect against free radicles. They can also reduce stress, and support heart health. Many studies suggest that eating dark chocolate can improve blood flow and lower blood pressure. These are valid claims why dark chocolate is good for you. Dark chocolate has antioxidants that can play a role in cancer prevention but this study isn't fully researched yet. 

Some may claim that dark chocolate can increase blood clots but research shows differently. It can actually reduce platelet aggregation that can lower the risk of blood clots. All of these benefits make dark chocolate a potential healthy treat if it is consumed in moderation. 

The sources I used were; 



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ago by Newbie (300 points)

This claim is true. Dark chocolate can have health benefits depending on the variety and the frequency in which you are eating it. Although this person used a source that does not seem to have the most credibility, I found an article from Healthline and an article from UC Davis health that explained the benefits to eating chocolate. Both of these articles specified that dark chocolate is best, especially one with a higher cacao content. They both claimed that it can deliver antioxidants and minerals and can even help prevent from heart disease. Depending on the variety of chocolate that you are eating, it could also have a lot of sugar and calories, which isn’t the best for your health, but if you are eating it in moderation with a high % of cacao it seems like it does have some great benefits for your health.



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ago by Newbie (300 points)
After doing my research, I would have to partially agree with the posted comment that dark chocolate has health benefits; this is because nothing is healthy in moderation. Although sources like WebMD explain how dark chocolate is rich in flavanols, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties can benefit heart health, reduce your risk of diabetes, and improve vision. Dark chocolate also holds many key nutrients that we need in our everyday lives, like magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, and copper. However, this does not mean that you should gorge on dark chocolate every single day; in fact, eating too much dark chocolate can cause weight issues, can lead to heart failures, and not to mention the fact that many dark chocolates contain heavy metals. According to a study done by Consumer Reports that tested 28 different dark chocolates, in 23 of those 28, they found that these bars had levels of lead and cadmium higher than the safe maximum daily dose. Overall, dark chocolate does hold many important nutrients, but due to its richness, one should be careful with how much you consume.



Exaggerated/ Misleading

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