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in General Factchecking by Newbie (390 points)
Power posing is where you stand in a position and it is said to increase one's confidence.

1 Answer

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by Apprentice (1.6k points)
The claim that Power Posing increases confidence cannot be true or false as it is an opinion based on personal beliefs or experiences. In the Pioneera article, a 2010 study done by social psychologist Amy Cuddy and her colleagues revealed that doing a power pose CAN lead to psychological and physiological changes. The keyword in that statement was can. In addition, the same study also said that power posing COULD increase testosterone levels which are associated with dominance and confidence. Again, the keyword in that statement was could. The article also references celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey, Serena Williams, and Barack Obama saying how power posing has improved their confidence, but that is subjective. A Power pose may work for the, but not everyone can say the same.

I did some research and found and NPR article (https://www.npr.org/2016/10/01/496093672/power-poses-co-author-i-do-not-believe-the-effects-are-real) that said that Amy Cuddy's co-researcher Dana Carney came out and started dismissing everything Cuddy has been saying about power poses. She also stated that during the research process, they "engaged in some aspects of data drudging." Data drudging is misusing data analysis to find patterns in data. This could be a case of he said she said, but if not every researcher from the original 2010 study is on board with the findings, the study does lose some credibility.

Overall, the results of the power pose is subjective and can be different from person to person. It is all a matter of personal opinion and the results you see individually.
Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
by Apprentice (1.4k points)
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This is good, in depth research and analysis. I agree, this may boost some people's confidence, but it's difficult to collect data or come to any conclusion about a trend or pattern backed by evidence.

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