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ago in General Factchecking by Newbie (210 points)
We’ve all heard the old adage that coffee will stunt your child’s growth. But is it true? Turns out … no. But there’s still plenty you should know about the effects of caffeine on children and what can actually impact their growth. Pediatric endocrinologist Roy Kim, MD says that caffeine doesn't impact growth. No one is exactly sure where this belief originated.
ago by Newbie (210 points)
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I would say that based off of studies that I would agree that the idea that coffee stunts your growth is just a myth. I like the website you used, heath.clevelandclinic.org as it goes through the specifications for why there have been no studies that prove that coffee stunts your growth. I like that although it proves that this was a made up myth it also talks about other side effects that are true about caffeine in drinks like coffee and the side effects that those might uphold.
ago by (150 points)
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Based on the studies from this source, I would agree that coffee does not stunt your growth. The website, https://health.clevelandclinic.org/does-coffee-stunt-growth, provided excellent information not only about coffee stunting growth but also information regarding what other side effects could occur.
ago by (190 points)
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Regarding the statement "Drinking coffee stunts your growth", this is proven to be wrong. Based off of my readings and finding from Harvard Health which is known to be the most prestigious and most trusted source of medical news for over 200 years, they concluded that there is " no scientifically valid" evidence that supports the statement.
ago by Newbie (260 points)
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I love the source that you provided and I believe this is a very interesting statement. I do believe that there is no way in knowing this is true or false. But, I do believe it is a very interesting topic.
ago by (190 points)
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The source that you used is relatively trustworthy. I would agree that coffee does stunt growth and proves an interesting topic as more and more younger generations start to drink it at a young age.
ago by Newbie (210 points)
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Overall, I believe this article's material is clear, concise, and gives the reader insight into why this claim is untrue. It offers important insights into the causes of children's growth being stunted. I believe that the post would have benefited from explaining why, despite the fact that there is little to no evidence to support it, children are advised against using caffeine while they are growing up.
ago by (190 points)
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Coffee stunting your growth is a myth, I have personally experienced it and watched it not affect mine and other families growth. Also, stated in the article above, studies have shown it is a myth.
ago by (100 points)
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The claim that coffee stunts you growth is a myth and the article published by Cleveland Clinic is a reliable source that ensures this statement. First and foremost, the Cleveland Clinic is among the top four ranked American hospitals by the National Institutes of Health, proving credibility of the site. Additionally, the author of the article provides a variety of information that revolves around if coffee stunts growth, how coffee really affects children, and what can impact the growth of children. Each of these perspective relate to the main argument and are supported by reliable evidence. Something specific that author did to ensure the accountability in their work was by adding links to where information was gathered from. This immediately lets reader see if the evidence is collected from reliable sources and provides more information to support the claim. In coherence to this article, there are many other credible sources like CBS News, Harvard Health, and The New York Times that provide evidence from the same statement. Overall, the claim that coffee doesn't stunt growth is reliable and trustworthy.

2 Answers

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ago by Newbie (360 points)

No, drinking coffee does not stunt your growth. This is just a myth. Caffeine has no effect on how tall you grow. What really matters for growth are factors like genetics, getting enough calories and nutrients, and having a healthy environment. This article is reliable and backs up everything they're claiming.

ago by Genius (45.8k points)
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What's your source? Also cite it in-text and include a hyperlink. Thanks!
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ago by Newbie (220 points)
After carefully researching, it is shown that caffeine does not directly impact growth. Caffeine has many side effects both positive and negative. The National Institute of Health concludes their research on this topic with those side effects. The positive ones being long term intelligence and increased motor activity. The negative side effects are more of emotional sensitivity such as anxiety and depression. Now at the start of this answer, I mentioned how caffeine does not DIRECTLY impact growth. However one of the negative side effects is an inconsistent sleep schedule. Studies show that humans grow in their sleep. With that being said, caffeine does not directly impact growth but can indirectly. The sources used are reliable because they had various medical insight. The article given with the claim provides insight from Roy Kim, an endocrinologist. Endocrinologists are medical professionals who specialize in growth, diabetes, metabolic disorders, and much more. All of these can be tied to the consuming of caffeine.


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