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in General Factchecking by Novice (960 points)
To wash or to not wash your face—that is the question. Does it just depend on the skin type and genetics or could it benefit everyone not to wash your face in the morning?
ago by (120 points)
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I do believe that it is important to wash your face in the morning. It would be one thing if you were washing your pillow every day but I doubt that anyone is. Laying in your own facial germs and oils can cause problems like acne. I found an article by CeraVe and although are often trying to sell products, their company is run by dermatologists who are creditable. Here, they say "washing your face in the morning helps remove sweat, dirt, excess oil, and bacteria that can build up on your skin’s surface overnight." Although some people are saying not to wash your face in the morning because you should retain the natural facial oils, it's not just good oils left on your face when you wake up. I also believe that it depends on the person. Everyone's skin is different so that is a factor when considering this question.

ago by (100 points)
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I believe that washing your face in the morning depends on the each person and their skin type, and how their acne may respond to different skin care routines. I personally wash my face every night and spray rose water in the morning since I have found from some dermatologists it can be better for your skin than washing your face, since washing your face too often can result in more lines and texture. This has personally worked for me and gotten rid of a lot of skin issues, but i also wash my pillow case quite often to get rid of any bacteria that could mess with my skin. In my research i found that its more beneficial to wash every night, and maybe not every morning.
ago by (100 points)
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Dermatologists primarily recommend skipping a facial cleanser in the morning to patients who experience dryness. Typically, they still recommend rinsing with water, especially to remove nighttime skincare products, but emphasize that the use of a cleanser both morning and night is not ideal for all skin types and may unnecessarily dehydrate the skin. For more information on how dermatologists approach this topic, check out this fact-checked article: https://www.health.com/should-you-wash-face-morning-8597820
ago by Newbie (320 points)
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I think that depending on the person and their skin it is okay to wash their face in the morning. Some skin types need the extra hydration/cleaning, and some don't. If you use a facial cleanser in the morning and night it can cause a bit of dehydration to the skin due to removing and stripping a lot of your natural oils. I believe it just in the end depends on the person but overall good claim!
ago by (100 points)
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The statement is unreliable because the Vogue article provided by the student is about a product creator who talks about her experience with not washing her face in the morning and promotes her product through this article. I also tried to research for proof that supports the claim, but I did not find any trusted organizations covering this topic. Also, if it did help the creator of the product to not wash her face in the morning, it is not guaranteed that it will help everyone to do the same.

(No trusted sources found, adding to the fact that this claim is unreliable)

73 Answers

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ago by Newbie (300 points)
I have put this as exaggerated or misleading because the claim is very personal to each individual person. There is some evidence that washing your face multiple times a day can cause dryness in some people and that your skin does very important work at night. However, everyone's skin type and how they need to treat it is very different and individual to each person. Although it may be drying to wash your face multiple times a day, it could be a massive help for people with acne. Some doctors say that it is good, some say that it is bad, however it seems like most agree that it is a case by case basis and can't be properly covered by saying it is better to or not to wash your face in the morning.



Exaggerated/ Misleading
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ago by Newbie (300 points)

The claim made by Natacha Bonjout's Beauty Secrets is that washing your face in the morning removes the layer of sebum your skin produces overnight. This layer is produced by your skin to protect itself from outside factors like bacteria. Removing this layer is not harmful to the skin, however, it is not beneficial for the skin to remove its self-protecting layer. Natacha suggests using a hydrating facial spray to clean the skin in the morning. A different article I found on Vouge agreed that it is not necessary to wash your face in the morning and that you should use a facial spray instead. 


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ago by Newbie (300 points)
The article gave compelling arguments as to why not everybody needs to wash their face every morning.  That being said this statement is not true for every person.  We humans all have unique skin types and what works for one person may not work for another.  To clear acne other factors go into if it is necessary to wash your face every morning.  Some people wash their pillowcases and bed sheets much more often than others do.  These patterns lead to overall changes in what is important for each person to do.  Overall this headline is misleading as there are too many vital factors that go into what each individual should do.
Exaggerated/ Misleading

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