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ago in General Factchecking by Newbie (250 points)
If you use birth control, you might be wondering whether it affects your chances of getting cancer, IUDs, birth control pills, birth control shots, and others raise or lower your risk.

14 Answers

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ago by Newbie (300 points)

This claim is exaggerated/misleading. The article itself does a good job of outlining several different methods of birth control and contraceptives, and though it does show that some forms of birth control do increase your risk for some types of cancer it in no way makes a blanket statement that birth control causes cancer. The article also includes data that shows that some forms of birth control can decrease your risk of cancer or those that have no effect, which is another reason the claim is misleading because it completely leaves out this part of the article. Birth control decreasing your risk of cancer is backed up by data in this article and in other medical journals/papers (National Cancer Institute). To be effective, the claim would have at least allude to the specific of types of cancer, percent risks, and types of contraceptives.

Exaggerated/ Misleading
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ago by (140 points)
This claim is very misleading. While it is true that birth control "may slightly increase your risk of getting breast and cervical cancers" (WebMD), it is also true that using them causes a decrease in risk of other types of cancers. In the first paragraph of the cited article it says that use of birth control "can also play a role in lowering your risk of some cancers". It is not fair to make a blanket statement that birth control causes cancers while deliberately leaving out how it lowers the risk of some as well. According to Andrea Milbourne, M.D, "A lot of people think the pill always ups your risk of cancer, but that’s simply not true" (MD Anderson Cancer Center). Experts agree that there is no large increase in overall risk of developing cancer due to use of birth control, despite this claim.


Exaggerated/ Misleading
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ago by Newbie (300 points)
This claim is not fully accurate. The article in question does not go so far as to say that birth control directly causes cancer, simply that certain types of birth control may lead to a slightly increased risk of cancer in individuals. The article differentiates between many different types of birth control but does not link each to directly causing cancer. As a result, the claim is exaggerated and misleading.
Exaggerated/ Misleading
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ago by Newbie (310 points)
The article on birth control and cancer risk is misleading because it puts too much focus on potential cancer risks without equally showing the benefits. While it mentions that birth control might slightly raise the risk of breast and cervical cancer, it doesn’t stress enough that birth control also lowers the risk of other cancers, like ovarian, endometrial, and colorectal cancers. The National Cancer Institute and similar studies show both risks and protective benefits, but the article doesn’t balance these points.

The article also suggests that hormonal IUDs may increase breast cancer risk, even though research on this is still uncertain, which might create unnecessary fear. It also discusses breast cancer risk with the birth control shot but doesn’t clarify that the evidence is limited and not conclusive. By focusing mostly on risks, the article could leave readers with a negative view of birth control and cancer, making it seem more dangerous than it actually is.
Exaggerated/ Misleading

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