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in General Factchecking by Novice (520 points)
If you use birth control, you might be wondering whether it affects your chances of getting cancer, IUDs, birth control pills, birth control shots, and others raise or lower your risk.
by Novice (510 points)
0 0
As soon as I saw this claim I immediately clicked on it and had to know if it was true, I was pleasantly relieved to find out that this was not fully true and that some birth controls can actually lower your risk of cancer.
by Novice (800 points)
0 0
I think that you might want to you more than one source when researching something like this. Webmd is useful and something to use as a secondary source but using it as your only source makes the argument a little bit weak and could use more. I also think using quotes or specific data would help.
by Apprentice (1.1k points)
1 0
The claim that "birth control causes cancer" is misleading and fearmongering, as it suggests that all forms of birth control increase cancer risk, which isn’t true. Different methods, like the pill, IUDs, and shots, can have varying effects, and some may even reduce the risk of certain cancers, such as ovarian and endometrial cancer. It’s always important to consider individual health factors though, and consult with a healthcare provider to make informed decisions about birth control so it affects you positively.
by Newbie (370 points)
1 0
The claim that "birth control causes cancer" is misleading and fearmongering, as it suggests that all forms of birth control increase cancer risk, which isn’t true. Different methods, like the pill, IUDs, and shots, can have varying effects, and some may even reduce the risk of certain cancers, such as ovarian and endometrial cancer. As someone who uses birth control to help with my health and to provide my body with what it needs to not get ovarian or uterus cancer, this claim is very important to me. It’s always important to consider individual health factors to make the right decisions when it comes to birth control so it affects you positively.
by Newbie (330 points)
0 0
This fact check is very effective, it denounces the original claim and provides information to back its own claim. However, it could be much more effective if they were to state what sources they used to find the information that they used to support their ideas. Sites like https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/hormones/oral-contraceptives-fact-sheet, https://www.mdanderson.org/publications/focused-on-health/birth-control-pill-and-cancer-risk.h28Z1590624.html, and https://www.cancer.org/cancer/latest-news/birth-control-cancer-which-methods-raise-lower-risk.html would be very helpful in providing evidence for such claims if they wanted to make their fact check more effective.
by Newbie (300 points)
0 0
This is exactly why people are clicking on the claim. Women are worried about their health and what is caused from the things they put in their body! I'm glad you addressed the claim but it would have been nice to see a summary of the link you put. That way I know what I am about to look at.
by Newbie (220 points)
0 0
Misleading may be fair but fear-mongering is a step too far in my opinion. While there might not be total truth to the statement the fact that there is some truth means it is an important idea to get out there. There are millions of people around the world on birth control and if any of it causes cancer everyone needs to be aware of that.
by Newbie (220 points)
0 0
Adding an additional source for this is a great job of fact-checking, I think the more quality sources you can have the more credibility you can claim. The sources you added I think provide additional good information and aren't unnecessary additions.
by Newbie (370 points)
0 0
Using birth control pills can reduce ovarian cancer risk by up to 50%, and this protective effect can last for many years after stopping use. Similarly, hormonal IUDs, which thin the endometrial lining, can help prevent or even treat early-stage endometrial cancer. It's understandable to be concerned about how birth control might affect your cancer risk. Interestingly, certain types of birth control can actually lower the risk of some cancers. For example, birth control pills and hormonal IUDs have been shown to significantly reduce the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancers
1. https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/hormones/oral-contraceptives-fact-sheet
2. https://www.mskcc.org/news/birth-control-and-cancer-risk
by Newbie (400 points)
0 0
I like that you added additional sources to your claim. This further helped support your claim along with giving us a creditable source to look to. A summary to the links would also have been a nice touch.
by Novice (750 points)
0 0
Although it has been disproved, there has been questions raised about whether birth Control causes cancer. Hormonal birth control, like the pill, might slightly raise the risk of certain cancers but it also lowers the risk of others, like ovarian and endometrial cancer.
by (100 points)
1 0
While different forms of contraceptives may differ in their correlation with cancer, outright stating that birth control causes cancer is misleading due to the fact that there are different forms of contraceptives and there is no single "birth control". The claim is also unspecific as to what kind of cancer in question can be caused by the use of contraceptives.

While the claim that cancer can be caused by birth control is not entirely true, a quick google search can lead to more accurate information, such as the fact that "Naturally occurring estrogen and progesterone stimulate the development and growth of some cancers (e.g., cancers that express receptors for these hormones, such as breast cancer). Because birth control pills contain synthetic versions of these female hormones, they could potentially also increase cancer risk."

"In addition, oral contraceptives might increase the risk of cervical cancer by changing the susceptibility of cervical cells to persistent infection with high-risk HPV types (the cause of virtually all cervical cancers)."

While the debate is not entirely black and white, deeper research needs to be made when making such claims as fear mongering and clickbait when it comes to medicinal topics can be dangerous.

by Newbie (220 points)
0 0
Certain forms of birth control can be linked to a lower risk of some cancers. Research done in the article says that birth control pills can reduce ovarian cancer risk by up to 50%. This research was done by the National Cancer Institute, an official government website, which I checked and had the same findings. Similarly, hormonal IUDs may help prevent or even treat early-stage cancers, which I also found to be true at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center's official website
by Newbie (370 points)
0 0
I like the source you used for this factcheck, but overall I think the title can be very misleading, especially because you didn't add prior information from the article. I think next time if you added more information it would've strengthened this fact check, as well as finding different articles to further support this fact check.
by Newbie (360 points)
0 0
Although this has been proven false, you don't seem to be exactly claiming what the original fact check does and neither does the article which makes this a little misleading. Along with that WebMD is always the best source to use in these and can often be an unreliable source on some topics. I would've found a better source and perhaps changed your original claim a little.
by Newbie (380 points)
0 0
I agree that cancer can be caused by a variety of factors, so crediting it to a single product like birth control isn't entirely accurate. I thought your explanation did a good job of showing the risks of products like birth control while also showing some sources for more accurate lists for the risks associated with the medication.
ago by (100 points)
0 0
This article is very helpful in answering the claim of if birth control affects the chances of getting cancer by explaining the different side effects in some common birth control methods. The article is also medically reviewed by a qualified doctor which can help better support the claim. I do think it is a little misleading because it only talks about some forms of birth control and shares concise information on only some of them. I do agree with the claim that birth control can cause cancer because I have seen outside sources that also support this claim, but I don’t think this article is the best example to support this claim.

85 Answers

24 like 0 dislike
by Apprentice (1.7k points)
selected by
Best answer

This claim is exaggerated and misleading. The article linked fully explains where this claim may have come from. The article states that birth control can both raise and lower your risk of certain cancers. This claim is exaggerated because they do not show the other side of the articles, where contraceptives can lower your risk of certain cancers.

The article goes on to decipher between the different forms of birth control, although they don't include all contraceptive options, like the Nexaplon implant or the Plan B pill. 

The National Cancer Institute did a study of the relationship between birth control/contraceptives and cancer. Their findings back up the article, saying that while birth control does increase your risk for certain cancers (breast and cervical) it can also reduce the risk of other types of cancer (endometrial, ovarian, colorectal). The Cancer Research Center of the UK did a similar study and came to similar conclusions.

Exaggerated/ Misleading
by Novice (860 points)
0 0
Your fact check does a really good job of making it clear where this claim originated and providing sources that debunk the claim without completely refuting the claim altogether and explaining the nuances of this claim. Good job!!
by Newbie (360 points)
0 0
Good job with your fact check! You really broke it down and all your sources were valid and credible! And I also like the specification of different types of birth control and providing a different perspective solidifying your factcheck.
by Novice (550 points)
0 0
Your fact-checking is very clear and concise. I like that you also used reliable sources from top medical research to prove this wrong.  I also like the specification of different types of birth control and providing a different perspective, solidifying your fact-check.
by Newbie (320 points)
0 0
Your fact-check is very straight-forward and clear. I like how you expanded on the topic stating that it isn't untrue while noting that it is also exaggerated. You used two reliable sources to back up your response as well as included the links supporting your response, so overall great job!
ago by Newbie (270 points)
0 0
This fact check is worded very well and does a good job of explaining why the claim is misleading. You put understandable and reliable evidence behind what is really going on in this claim and why it should not be taken as is. I like how you explain what the claim is missing that makes it misleading.
6 like 0 dislike
by Novice (840 points)
This claim is viewed as misleading and exaggerated. With such a short and simple statement, birth control does have its side effects https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/3977-birth-control-the-pill but the extent of it is not as intense and severe.

Taking a closer look at the article, it states both the concerns but also the positive things that birth controls can contribute to. Being examined by Traci C. Johnson, https://www.webmd.com/bio/traci-c-johnson she is a certified doctor and this article shows that contraceptives at times can lower the risk of cancer.

One specific thing though is that whilst the article does go into different birth controls. it doesn't include the main ones like Plan B pill. Plos Medicine, https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.1004188 and The National Cancer Institute, https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/hormones/oral-contraceptives-fact-sheet#:~:text=Overall%2C%20however%2C%20these%20studies%20have,reduced%20(1%E2%80%933) show similar studies that birth control does play an effect in increasing the risk cancer like breast but it also reduces other types of cancer like ovarian.

It is important to consider these factors and how cancer also comes in all forms along with the types of birth controls. More research needs to be done and in this case, the claim is very generic that can be misleading to viewers that don't understand the depth cancer and birth control.
Exaggerated/ Misleading
by Novice (820 points)
1 0
This is a very good fact check. you are to the point and even provide links and reasoning to back up the statement. However when including articles, make sure you give a brief explanation as to what it says rather than just attaching the link. this can make it easier for the reader to understand and also prove your argument even more.
by Newbie (280 points)
0 0
I completely agree with your factcheck. The claim was misleading. I like how you provided links and evidence to backup your claim.
by Newbie (240 points)
0 0
I agree with this fact check because it begins by explaining the article’s original claim and then supports your argument with two sources. To make it even more specific, you could detail exactly how the studies’ results compared. While you mention they are “similar,” your fact-check could be enhanced by clarifying exactly where they align and where they diverge.
by Novice (640 points)
0 0
This is a good fact check, but I would quote your sources as well as cite them.
by Newbie (330 points)
0 0
This was a very well written and thought out replay. I liked that for each section you had a link and a different article, so we are able to see where you are getting this information. I also like the fact that you didn't completely debunk this instead just suggested that more facts and research are needed.
by Novice (690 points)
0 0
I agree with your fact-check. I applaud the way you structured each point and explained your evidence. I do wish you explained the contents of the articles you used but overall great job!
by Novice (930 points)
0 0
Wow!! This fact-check is super impressive. You have a super clear structure to it that makes it very easy to understand all your points of reasoning. You also reference three different articles to back up your explanation. All of these articles are from medical journals or clinics, the best possible source for this type of claim. On top of that, taking the time to really analyze the source cited in the claim and who is being quoted throughout it. I am really amazed, great job!
by Novice (590 points)
0 0
This is a great fact check!! You were straight to the point and you have a clear structure, it is very organized and easy to understand. The articles you used are very reliable! Good job!
by Newbie (320 points)
0 0
I really liked the depth provided in your fact-check as it thoroughly proves the reasoning behind your response. By the in-depth response and the amount of sources you provided shows you put a lot of time and effort into your explanation so great job!
ago by Newbie (300 points)
0 0
I like how you provided links and spoke upon the fact that there are not only different types of cancer but birth control as well. Though it may be beneficial to give brief explanations of your articles or quotes.
2 like 0 dislike
by Newbie (350 points)

This claim is exaggerated and misleading. The effects of birth control vary significantly depending on the type of birth control used. While some methods, like birth control pills, may increase the risk of breast and cervical cancers, they also decrease the risk of endometrial and ovarian cancers. This complexity means that the overall impact on cancer risk is not straightforward. Each method of birth control should be considered individually for causing cancer to understand all the risks and benefits.

by Novice (540 points)
0 0
I agree with your fact check on how the intital claim was extremely misleading and doesn't cite the article at all. I would reccomend for a fact check to add an additional source to back up your claim.
by Novice (530 points)
0 0
I agree that the initial claim is misleading. I think it would be beneficial to add where you got the faces about the risks associated with each individual type of birth control, as it would prove that what your'e saying is correct.
by Novice (740 points)
0 0
I agree with your fat check because the original claim was very misleading and inaccurate. I think it would be important for you to share where you got your information from to ensure it's true.
by Newbie (220 points)
0 0
Your points about the cancer risks related to different birth control methods stand out greatly and are received well. It is important to recognize that some methods can increase the risk of certain cancers while lowering the risk for others. Have you thought to look at studies from the American Cancer Society or the National Institutes of Health? These sources have extensive research on how different birth control types affect cancer risks, which could add to your argument.
by (100 points)
0 0
You did a great job saying this claim was exaggerated and misleading. However, I wish you would have referenced a source. One of the best ways to ensure you're being a notable fact checker is by referencing other works to help back up your claim. Otherwise, good job!
by Novice (860 points)
0 0
I appreciated how you included both the different types of cancer and the different types of birth control, and how this complicates the claim being researched. Since you didn't cite any sources, I think it would be valuable to focus on finding and citing credible sources based on scientific research, such as the National Library of Medicine or a cancer research facility study as these directly relate to the topic. Without sources, it's difficult to verify this information, and citing information builds credibility and media literacy!
by Novice (760 points)
0 0
Sharing where you got his information makes readers find it more believable and it makes ir reliable without a source it could be something that's not fact chekced and could be very msileading.
by Novice (760 points)
0 0
I agree with your fact-check and all the facts you mention, but it's a little hard to trust it if it's from another individual with no experience or knowledge of this. It's important to include links to an article or research paper with facts backing up your claim.
1 like 0 dislike
by Novice (540 points)
This claim is exaggerated and misleading, the first paragraphs show that birth control can lead to increased risk of cancer but doesn't entirely cause it. There are associated risks of getting cancer from birth control just like many other products. A study cited in this article by the University of Colorado shows that use of IUDs instead of other methods of birth control had cancer rates decline by 32%. This study is a work in progresss and it doesn't completely rule that birth control alone causes cancer.

Source: https://www.uchealth.org/today/iud-use-cut-rates-of-deadly-ovarian-cancer-around-the-world-new-study-finds/
Exaggerated/ Misleading
by Novice (670 points)
0 0
I completely agree with this fact check. It definitely seems like they tried to pull the reader in with shock rather than info then proceeded to use a very neutral empty thesis to encourage to read more.
by Novice (740 points)
0 0
Hi! Great job on this fact check. I completly agree that the claim was misleading and created a lot of fear. I think if anything, it might help to add more sources to back up your factcheck although the study from the University of Colorado is really helpful to back up your factcheck.
1 like 0 dislike
by Novice (890 points)

The claim is a huge exaggeration, with dangerous consequences. I researched if birth control causes cancer and went to the website listed, and found out more about the risks that can happen with different types of birth control. The article notes that using any birth control can "slightly increase" your risk of cancer, which is very different than causing cancer. This difference of language is very important because saying birth control causes cancer would deter women from getting the health care they need, which in turn can lead to them getting in very difficult positions. Furthermore, the article later gives statistics that using birth control can significantly drop your risk of endometrial, colon, and ovarian cancer. These statistics directly disprove the claim, even though they came from the same original source this claim stems from. The misinformation stated in the claim adds fuel to the fire in the argument of women’s reproductive health, however the source gives good insight to the different forms of birth control possible, and emphasizes the importance of making an educated choice for what’s right for you.

by Apprentice (1.0k points)
0 0
Your point on the connotation of words used within claims is very important and it is good that you specified the difference in your answer. I appreciate your references to the other claims the article makes and their link to greater social issues regarding reproductive health. I think this could be stronger by referencing other sources like the National Cancer Institute (https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/hormones/oral-contraceptives-fact-sheet) which has more credibility than web.md.
1 like 0 dislike
by Newbie (280 points)
This claim is too far exaggerated to make a real and true claim. The website linked shows both sides of the argument, both decreasing and increasing risks of cancer. An article from the National Cancer Institute (https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/hormones/oral-contraceptives-fact-sheet#:~:text=Overall%2C%20however%2C%20these%20studies%20have,reduced%20(1%E2%80%933) states that birth control can increase risk of some cancers, but also decrease risk of other types of cancers. Along with this, the claim above states that birth control causes cancer, while the truth is that it can possibly increase the risk of cancer. Overall, the claim above is completely misleading, and is not a true claim.
1 like 0 dislike
by Newbie (240 points)

This claim may come across as somewhat misleading and overstated. While birth control does carry certain side effects, as noted in the Cleveland Clinic article (https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/3977-birth-control-the-pill), the severity of these effects is generally not as extreme. The article provides a balanced view, discussing both the risks and the potential benefits of contraceptives.

Dr. Traci C. Johnson, a certified physician, reviews this topic in a WebMD article (https://www.webmd.com/bio/traci-c-johnson), explaining that birth control can sometimes even lower cancer risk. Although the article addresses different types of contraceptives, it does not include common options like the Plan B pill. Research published in PLOS Medicine (https://journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.1004188) and information from the National Cancer Institute (https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/hormones/oral-contraceptives-fact-sheet#:~:text=Overall%2C%20however%2C%20these%20studies%20have,reduced%20(1%E2%80%933)) indicate that while birth control may raise the risk of certain cancers, such as breast cancer, it also has protective effects against others, like ovarian cancer.

Taking these factors into account, as well as the variety of cancer types and birth control methods, emphasizes the need for more extensive research. The initial claim is broad and could mislead individuals who might not fully understand the complexities surrounding cancer risk and birth control use.

Exaggerated/ Misleading
by Novice (940 points)
0 0
I liked the way you formatted your argument. It is very clear, concise, and well-researched. Cleveland MD and WebMD are great medical journals! great job :)
0 like 0 dislike
by Novice (600 points)

The claim "Birth Control Causes Cancer" is misleading and is an exaggeration. The article cited explains that being on certain types of birth control can raise someone's risk of certain cancers. The article also details four types of birth control methods. However, many methods of birth control aren't included in this article, such as arm implants like Nexplanon or over-the-counter emergency contraception like Plan B. 

The American Cancer Society did a study on the link between contraceptives and the possibility of raised risk for specific types of cancer, such as breast cancer and cervical cancer. However, contraceptives also lower the risk of endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, and colon cancer. Overall, there are risks when it comes to different methods of birth control and contraceptives, but there are also benefits for each individual to consider when making decisions regarding contraceptives. 

Source: https://www.cancer.org/cancer/latest-news/birth-control-cancer-which-methods-raise-lower-risk.html 

Exaggerated/ Misleading
0 like 0 dislike
by Apprentice (1.2k points)

The relationship between birth control and cancer is complex. Although the NCI National Cancer Institute says that some forms may slightly increase the risk of specific cancers, It also says that birth control can reduce the risk of others. It's essential to weigh the potential risks and benefits with a healthcare provider to make informed decisions. Regular check-ups and screenings are crucial for early detection and prevention of cancer. The American Cancer Society has done extensive research using millions of patient files and has agreed with the finding of the NCI. However, It notes a few essential types of Cancer.

Breast Cancer: Some studies may suggest that a slightly increased risk of breast cancer, especially with long-term use can occur. However, this risk is generally small and often decreases after stopping use. 

Cervical Cancer: A slight increase in risk has been observed, but regular cervical cancer screenings can effectively detect and treat precancerous cells.

Endometrial Cancer: Hormonal birth control, particularly combined pill, can significantly reduce the risk of endometrial cancer.

It is important to note that specific nonhormonal birth control have adverse effects, such as Copper IUDs, which May slightly increase the risk of uterine cancer.

Overall, this statement is misleading.




Exaggerated/ Misleading
by Newbie (300 points)
0 0
Very few people if any went into the types of cancer and the risk related to BC. I really enjoy the format and the sources listed because it's easy to read and very informative. You gave what the sites were saying in a concise way with the information people came for.
ago by Newbie (300 points)
0 0
This is an extremely well thought out fact check of the article. I appreciated how you listed 3 different cancers and wrote about the effects of birth control for each. The sources you used were great and accurate. I totally agree with you
0 like 0 dislike
by Newbie (300 points)

The article "Birth Control and Cancer Risk: What You Should Know" offers helpful information, but by leaving out important context, it could mislead readers. For example, it may exaggerate concerns when it claims that oral contraceptives raise the risk of breast and cervical cancer without comparing baseline risks (www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/hormones/oral-contraceptives-fact-sheet). Similar ambiguity surrounds the discussion of IUDs, which mention conflicting research on breast cancer without drawing firm conclusions (medicalxpress.com/news/2024-10-iuds-breast-cancer-evidence.html, www.health.com/hormonal-iud-raise-breast-cancer-risk-8731608). Without more comprehensive evidence, highlighting a single study about the birth control shot doubling the risk of breast cancer could unnecessarily increase anxiety (www.acog.org/clinical/clinical-guidance/practice-advisory/articles/2018/01/hormonal-contraception-and-risk-of-breast-cancer). Making informed health decisions requires consulting medical experts and up-to-date research.

Exaggerated/ Misleading
by Newbie (200 points)
0 0
This rebuttal to the claim starts strong, calling the article exaggerated, which it is. But then the fact check loses me, by its usage of urls not being integrated into the fact check. howver, it is great that they used multiple cites to fact check the claim, including one with data research, which would have made a great point if included in the response.

Community Rules

• Be respectful
• Always list your sources and include links so readers can check them for themselves.
• Use primary sources when you can, and only go to credible secondary sources if necessary.
• Try to rely on more than one source, especially for big claims.
• Point out if sources you quote have interests that could affect how accurate their evidence is.
• Watch for bias in sources and let readers know if you find anything that might influence their perspective.
• Show all the important evidence, whether it supports or goes against the claim.