This claim is misleading and overexaggerated. WebMD was identified by MediaBIas/FactCheck as having an accuracy report rating of high, and the article was fact-checked by a doctor, however, this claim is not supported by this article. The WebMD article states that, “Research shows that some forms of birth control can raise your odds of getting certain kinds of cancers. But birth control can also play a role in lowering your risk of some cancers.” (Camille Noe Pagán, Traci C. Johnson, Birth Control and Cancer Risk: What You Should Know). This article acknowledges the potential increased risk of cancer caused by birth control, but also notes that some birth control can actually decrease the risk of some cancers. This article does not claim that birth control definitively or objectively causes cancer. This articles true thesis of the existence of some correlation between cancer and birth control is further supported by The National Institute of Health. Studies conducted by the NIH, through their National Cancer Institute, did show a correlation between an increased risk of some cancers (breast and cervical cancer), however, these studies were conducted using observational studies, large prospective cohort studies, and population-based case–control studies; therefore, a definitive cause-effect relationship between taking oral contraceptives and cancer risk is not determinable, due to the possibility of outside factors (genetics, lifestyle, etc.) potentially playing a larger role in the results. These studies do show significant data of a positive correlation between the taking of oral contraceptives and an increased risk of cervical and breast cancer, “...women who had ever used oral contraceptives had a slight (7%) increase in the risk of breast cancer.” (NIH, Oral Contraceptives and Cancer Risk). Similar results were shown in cervical cancer, “One study found a 10% increased risk for less than 5 years of use, a 60% increased risk with 5–9 years of use, and a doubling of the risk with 10 or more years of use,” (NIH, Oral Contraceptives and Cancer Risk). However, this risk decreased over time when the use had ceased. While this research is relevant and does show a positive correlation between increased cancer risk (some) and the use of oral contraception, a negative correlation between contraception and other types of cancers has also been found. With oral contraception users being associated with a 15%-20% lower risk of colorectal cancer and a 30%-50% lower risk of ovarian cancer. (NIH, Oral Contraceptives and Cancer Risk). This negative correlation is also found between patients with IUDs being found to have a decreased risk of ovarian cancer by about 32%. (Camille Noe Pagán, Traci C. Johnson, Birth Control and Cancer Risk: What You Should Know). This shows that while there is some evidence to support the claim that birth control can lead to an increased risk of some cancers, birth control does not CAUSE cancer.