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in General Factchecking by Newbie (330 points)

No, drinking water alone does not cure acne. It won't cure ance by it can help improve your skin health. According to Zo skin Health, Staying hydrated is not the holy grail cure for clearing congested pores. No statistical evidence shows that drinking water can clear your skin. It ensures that all the body's cells are properly hydrated, especially skin cells, which can improve skin function.

1 Answer

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by Apprentice (1.4k points)
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I believe the claim "Drinking water gets rid of water" was a typo based on that it does not really make sense and the original ask answers the claim that water gets rid of acne. But if it was not a typo I'll try to answer both possible claims.

The claim that drinking water gets rid of water has no information available since there is no context as to what type of water is being gotten rid of. If the claim is referring to water in the body, then yes drinking water does get rid of access water weight according to Medical News Today. However, that is only relevant if you are dehydrated since that is when the body stores excess water to make up for the lack of incoming water. (https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320603). However, if the claim is referring to water sources, depending on the water source, drinking water could reduce the amount of water that is left over if the source is not natural (not taking into account environmental factors that could reduce the natural water supply).

The claim that drinking water gets rid of acne is false. Drinking water can possible help reduce your acne, but it is not a cure. It can help benefit your skin by reducing toxins, moisturizing the skin, reducing blood sugar levels, etc, according to The Harley Street Dermatology Clinic (https://www.theharleystreetdermatologyclinic.co.uk/drinking-water-improve-acne/).

Overall, I am answering that there is no available information to this claim because the claim does not give enough information for an accurate answer. In addition, the claim could be a typo based on pervious responses and if it is, the claim would be false.
No available information
by Apprentice (1.3k points)
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Lol. Nice job looking past the typo and still providing a solid answer to the claim. I think whoever posted this got confused and answered it themselves, but regardless, your sources were solid, and you showed that the claim was false. Great fact check!

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