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in General Factchecking by
This article claims that music can help you study.
by Newbie (480 points)
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I think that this could be a good factcheck however you could provide slightly more information rather than just stating what the article is claiming.
by Newbie (250 points)
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I think that your source is good and credible because of the sources that your source states.
by Newbie (490 points)
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This is source is really interesting, because personally music doesn't help me that much to focus, but the source highlights how certain types of music, like instrumental or ambient, can actually improve focus and memory while studying. It’s fascinating how music, when chosen carefully, can reduce anxiety, block distractions, and create a better environment for concentration. This could be a useful strategy for students looking to improve their study habits.
by Novice (680 points)
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To make your post better, I would suggest that you elaborate on what the article is talking about. Simply linking the article is not enough. It is a credible source, as it is coming from a .edu website, however, it would be even stronger if you actually explained what the article was talking about.
by (100 points)
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Music can make studying harder because it distracts your brain from focusing. Songs with lyrics can interfere with reading and understanding, while even instrumental music can take attention away from learning. Studies show that silence or white noise helps people remember information better. Music might improve your mood, but it doesn’t always help you study.

by Novice (590 points)
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While I do agree with you, I think you should look into the source I provided below as it is important to acknowledge that personal taste factors into the predictability of listening to certain music/noise while studying. A list of music types and tips are listed that allow an individual to dabble in trial and error that would best align with them during the studying process. Additionally, trial and error in this context would probably help with studying in general as you are reviewing material in a multitude of ways and simply just finding the one that works the best.
by (100 points)
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The article provides the best way for music to help people study and provides some evidence that supports their claims, but the article never claims that everyone gets better by studying. Many people get distracted by music when they are studying and the article never claims that those people are wrong just that those who do study with music end up doing better with their studying. It could be that the music is not what is actually making people study better but rather people that can listen to music and study effectively get better results on their exams. What I mean is that it is possible that people with a mind that has the ability to drown out the music and distractions have greater knowledge on their subjects.
by Newbie (340 points)
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I think this is a very interesting fact check, but it would’ve also been interesting to see a source with more qualitative data.
ago by (100 points)
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Research supports the idea that certain types of music (classical, lo-fi, instrumental) can enhance focus, memory, and relaxation. A study published in the journal Psychology of Music found that listening to music while studying can reduce stress and improve cognitive performance in certain cases. However, the effect of music on studying depends on the type of task and the complexity of the music. Simple, instrumental music = Positive effect on focus. Complex, lyrical music = Potential distraction. So this claim is true to an extent.

33 Answers

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by Newbie (300 points)

The article from the University of Maryland states that music can help people study more effectively by improving focus and reducing distractions and I'd say I agree but it really depends on the type of music you're listening too some times the music itself can distract you from studying, like an article from The University of Wollongong Australia says that Australian researcher bill Thompson did an experiment and he and his colleagues found out that the only time there was decrease in performance was when they played fast and loud music.

In the article from the university of Maryland  It says instrumental, ambient music and binaural beats effectively enhances peoples concentration. Many articles support that music can positively impact cognitive function, with multiple studies showing that the type of music matters. A professor in the Department of Marriage and Family Science explains, “Music has the potential to take a person from the Beta brainwave state to deeper Alpha, and then Theta brainwave states, depending on the music.” The University of Maryland article shows us various types of music that can help in studying, reinstating the idea that the right music can improve focus and academic performance.




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ago by Newbie (300 points)

Although listening to music can make studying more smooth and enjoyable, psychologists from the Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences have found that this popular study habit is more distracting than beneficial. This theory is proven through how humans are incapable of multitasking, when you're studying and listening to music you retain less information . Although its possible to study and retain some information while listening to music its proven that when you're listening to music you need the same sounds when you are taking the exam which isn't a realistic in a testing environment. Concluding it's a false statement but some individuals may listen to music while studying due to anxiety which music is proven to help with anxiety. 


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ago by Newbie (300 points)

Multiple sources discuss whether music has ties to improving studying. While there are different preferences for everyone with varying results on the genre, the article How Music Can Help You Study, from the University of Maryland, states “The right choice of music, such as instrumental or ambient music, can help block out distractions, improve concentration, and maintain attention during study sessions.” Music with lyrics can be distracting in some cases, pulling away from the topic of studying. Still, ambient/instrumental music tends to always be beneficial as it offers good, nondistracting, background music. 


Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)

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