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in General Factchecking by Novice (600 points)
A growing number of people are reporting they have become pregnant after using GLP-1 drugs like Ozempic despite previous infertility or being on birth control pills.

15 Answers

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ago by (140 points)
source: https://www.advancedfertility.com/blog/ozempic-babies Great Fact check. According to our sources, it has been known for years that weight loss may improve fertility by allowing women to ovulate. Therefore, the most likely explanation for these sudden/surprise pregnancies is that the significant weight loss from the drugs can restore ovulation. Another explanation is weight loss medication may interfere with the absorption and effectiveness of oral contraceptives.
Exaggerated/ Misleading
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ago by (140 points)
Ozempic itself does not make you more fertile with what the medication has in it, but it lessens the strength of birth control medication. While the claim is partially true, it doesn't fully expand on why more women are becoming pregnant after the use of Ozempic. GLP-1 receptors slow down the rate of food moving throughout the body causing people to lose weight, but it also affects birth control and how it is absorbed throughout the body. Losing weight overall increases the chances of getting pregnant.




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ago by (140 points)

This claim is slightly true. While there are cases of people having increased fertility after being on Ozempic, it has less to do with the drug itself and more with how the body carries out daily functions after the drug's weight loss and insulin effects. According to Karen Wheeler, MD, FACOG, "weight loss can increase the rate of ovulation in women with irregular periods." GLP-1 drugs can also negatively impact how well birth control pills work in a person's body. However, there is not enough research to show if there's a connection between GLP-1 drugs and fertility, or how these drugs affect pregnancy, so doctors do not recommend using these medications as fertility treatments.

Ozempic and Increase in Pregnancy: What’s the Fertility Connection?

Ozempic Babies: Experts Weigh in on the Drug’s Effect on Fertility

‘Ozempic changed my life’: do diabetes jabs boost the chances of conception?

Weight-loss drugs are leading to 'Ozempic babies': Doctors explain surprise pregnancies

Exaggerated/ Misleading
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ago by (140 points)
This claim that Ozempic increases your chances of getting pregnant is not completely wrong, but is also not completely right. After reading an article by The Fertility Institute of San Diego, it has been found that Ozempic has helped women get to a better health state to become pregnant, but is not considered a fertility drug. Ozempic does help women with weight loss and the regulation of hormones which are two things that have been found to benefit the chances of pregnancy. I would consider this claim to be true as it may help other health factors that help increase pregnancy.

Source: https://fertilityinstitutesandiego.com/ozempic-and-increase-in-pregnancy-whats-the-fertility-connection/
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ago by Newbie (310 points)

Looking through the article on the healthline site where the claim is stated-- there are noticable things to point out about the details/reasoning behind the claim. The article references that the claim is confirmed by Dr. Neha Lalani, who speicalizes in endocrinology and diabetes, which examines fertility with contraceptions. 

While GLP-1 like ozempic does not directly causes fertility, it is a variable that assists in fertility for individuals. This is done because absorption of medications such as birth control are absorbed differently once someone is in use of ozempic. That connection may be the factor of higher pregnancy rates. 

So while it is true that it plays a significant part to lead to the increase, it is not solely the reason why it increases. reference: https://www.healthline.com/health-news/ozempic-babies-unplanned-pregnancies#How-GLP-1-drugs-like-Ozempic-can-interfere-with-oral-birth-control 


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