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in General Factchecking by Novice (770 points)
Sports are a great way for people to release stress and greatly benefit from increased social skills. It gives participants an opportunity to connect with one another and create lasting friendships through a shared passion or activity.
by (130 points)
0 0
While this fact-checker does address whether or not they believe the fact to be true they do not provide any concrete evidence to support their beliefs. To improve this fact check, they could provide one or two sources that support their agreeance with the original claim.
by (100 points)
0 0
Connecting your experiences in athletics in relation to the article further enhances the strength of your claim. I connect with your idea that being in teams sports helps create with social skills and creates connections.
by Newbie (320 points)
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All though I agree with the claim and find that the source is true there is also cons to getting into sports as an adult. The article I found provides the pros and cons to how sports may help or may not help with relieving stress. I my self found that sports can be stress relievers but it also has the potential to make stress worse. With unreachable expectations from teammates or coaches. Finding a good middle ground and not letting unreachable expectations ruin the fun. I found that finding people that will support me and challenge me is the best way to relieve stress while playing a sport.

by Newbie (320 points)
0 0
This factcheck was well done! When I read the source you provided it had good details and seems like a well reliable source! Your evidence was clear and concise and did a good job explaining how well sports contribute to good mental health!
by (180 points)
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I totally agree with this claim such as i have personally been in a sport team i have found it has been a great way to cope with anything going on and plus your teammates as how over the time you play with them and talk to them you start to get a good friendship and that i found that this source is reliable

26 Answers

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ago by Newbie (300 points)

Yes, it is true that participating in sports can greatly increase mental well being. 

As reported by Advent Health, getting involved in sports (whether they call for solo or team participation) can improve mental health in subtle ways. Their article states that physical activity releases endorphins in the brain that relax and boost our mood. Endorphins fight negativity that may flood our minds, so the act of playing in a sport can leave us feeling encouraged to tackle daily life and its struggles. This boost of mood can also emerge from social interaction if one chooses to participate in a team sport. Furthermore, playing a sport sharpens the mind as experience builds overtime; this growth of skill can improve self confidence and our self image. 

Circling back to the original article that this claim was made on, an article written by students, sport participation can, “[reduce] levels of depression, anxiety, and stress.” To make these claims, “Data was extracted for demographics, methodology, and study outcomes, and results presented according to study design,” making the claims presented in this article credible and factual.

Overall, sports can ultimately benefit the mental health of those who participate. All evidence presented within the sources I cited demonstrate the fact that sports can surely help us become happy individuals!




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ago by Newbie (200 points)

Participating in sports and physical activities can greatly improve mental well-being. A study from the National Library of Medicine shows that adolescent involved in sports  experience fewer depressive symptoms, less stress, and better self-rated mental health. Additionally, childhood sports participation can lead to improved mental fitness later in life. Sports provide physical exercise, teamwork opportunities, and structure routines that enhance mental well-being.


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ago by Newbie (300 points)

I agree with this claim, from personal experience and research there is definitely a correlation between physical activity and mental health. Seattle Anxiety researched and wrote about the correlation concluding that: "Engaging in sports has a profound impact on mental health, offering a range of psychological benefits that contribute to overall well-being." Physical activity can help reduce stress, boost confidence, and strengthen mental resilience. WebMD also researched the subject writing: "Exercise causes your body to release endorphins, the chemicals in your brain that relieve pain and stress. It also reduces the levels of stress hormones, cortisol, and adrenaline." To conclude the statement is true, sports does increase mental well-being as well as physical health.



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ago by Newbie (300 points)

Through personal experience, I've played sports my whole life, and I've felt an improvement in my mental health. As a college student, I've experienced my fair share of anxiety and stress. One of the best ways of dealing with this is going to the gym, which allows me to take a step away from everything that bothers me. The American Psychological Association states that a "regular exercise routine can decrease the effects of stress on the body improve mental health and mood" (APA).  This study speaks about how physical activity can produce chemicals in your brain that can help your brain deal with stress more efficiently. The APA also states that physical activity can help deal with stress and anxiety because the chemicals produced by your body during physical activity are the same chemicals that are made by anxiety. "When you engage in strenuous physical activity, you're essentially mimicking the responses that can come with anxiety, allowing you to learn how to manage these responses and not be overwhelmed by them in other situations" (APA). With the information that I've found online from the American Psychological Association, I say that this claim is true. Physical activity does indeed improve your mental health. 

Working out boosts brain health.

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ago by Newbie (310 points)

This claim states that participating in sports can greatly improve your mental well-being. As much as I don't enjoy sports myself, I cannot argue with this, as it has been proven true. There is a positive correlation between physical exercise and better mental health, and if you add in the social aspect into the equation, then sports can be a great way to improve mental health. Studies were done on the effects that exercise has on ones mental well-being, and it was show that they positively impact it. 

Provided is are a few sources:



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ago by Newbie (220 points)

Engaging in sports can significantly enhance mental well-beings by reducing stress and improving mood. This claim has been backed up by numerous institutions including the National Institues of Health. This article backs up their claims by mentioning their trusted research methods "All studies had to be longitudinal or cross-sectional clinical studies, including prospective and retrospective cohort studies and case series, and randomized trials". Additionally regular physcial activity leads to the release of endorphins and other mood-boosting chemicals. This claim also states that sports "gives participants an opportunity to connect with one another" which has also been proven correct. The Better Health Channel points out that Research indicates that individuals who exercise regularly experience better mental health and emotional well-being, with lower rates of mental illness. Therefore, participating in sports does in fact serve as a valuable tool for promoting positive social outcomes and enhancing mental well being. 

Sources: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8656946/



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