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in General Factchecking by Novice (890 points)
The increasing divergence between neighborhoods creates a dissonant backdrop for the ideological debate that's raging around Chicago's crime problem. Overall, Chicago’s per-capita murder rate is higher than in New York City or Los Angeles, but is lower than in Midwestern cities such as Detroit, Milwaukee and St. Louis.
by Novice (530 points)
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According to an article published by Property Club, Chicago is the last on the list of the top 13 most dangerous cities in the US as of 2024. However, according to data published by The Hill, Chicago did not appear as one of the top cities with the highest crime cost per capita. According to the World Population Review, "a city with a high violent crime rate does not indicate that the entire city is unsafe." So, in a sense, it is true that Chicago is ONE of the most dangerous cities in the U.S. but certainly not the worst.
ago by (120 points)
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Based on what you hear or see it could be true but you never know what could happen in other cities. But if we are going based on the past then I'd say it could be Chicago but there definitely other cities we should take into consideration based on based and news.

36 Answers

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by Novice (690 points)
Chicago has a reputation for being a hub for crime and violence, but according to the Howard University News Service Chicago is not even in the Top 3 most dangerous cities in the U.S., and Property Club has Chicago as number 13th on their list. While Chicago has high crime rates Memphis, Tennessee is reported as the U.S. city with the most crime.


by Genius (43.7k points)
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by Champion (14.6k points)

This statement is true. According to Property Club, in 2020, Chicago had 26,620 violent crimes, including 774 murders. It was labeled as one of the top 13 most violent cities as of 2024 (Property Club). The majority of the city's violent crime is due to gangs and drug conflict. Affiliated people and innocent bystanders' lives have been taken. HU News Service, also reports that Chicago has been given the nickname of "Chiraq" combining the United States' third most popular city and Iraq, the suggested most violent and war-torn country. Additionally, post-covid in 2022, there was a reported 725 homicides, 43% more than 2019. 

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ago by (140 points)
Based on the claim above stating that “Chicago is one of the most dangerous cities in the U.S” After visiting the link provided, I disagree that Chicago is in the top 10% of the most dangerous cities. While reading the article by “Chicago business.com” I noticed that there is a lot of misinformation. As I went and did research, I found a site mirasafety.com“ The statistics shown “Cities with high crime rates per capita include Detroit, Memphis, and St. Louis. These cities have the highest likelihood of becoming a victim of crime is higher than in the towns with similar total crime numbers but larger populations” This proves that the claim stated “Chicago is one of the most dangerous cities in the U.S.” is false because stats shows “ https://www.statista.com/statistics/217685/most-dangerous-cities-in-north-america-by-crime-rate/” that Chicago is not even one of the top 10 dangerous cities.
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ago by (140 points)
edited ago by

This statement is accurate. From 2010 to 2020, the murder rate has increased by 274% in just one neighborhood in Chicago. These are some of the highest murder rates in the country. According to the University of Chicago crime lab, Chicago's homicide rate has exceeded New York and California's rates. In other areas, such as Garfield Park, rates have increased drastically by 114%.


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ago by (140 points)
According to an article published by Safe and Sound Security, various types of crimes and the rates that apply to each are substantially higher in Chicago then many other areas. For example, "violent crimes in Chicago rose by 11.5% in 2023". This clearly is harmful to the safety of civilians living in the area and poses as a scary situation. Another example that can be scary to people living in the city is that "85.7% of homicide cases were caused by guns". Clearly, the increase in violent crimes and apparent usage of guns in many crimes produces a dangerous city to live in.

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ago by (140 points)

This statement is accurate. According to Property Club, Chicago is the 14th most dangerous city. claiming that “Chicago has a crime rate of 3,926 per 100,000, making it 67% more dangerous than the US average.” I looked up this statistic and found the same information posted on S.O.S private security, which is a private security company in Chicago, so the information they provided is most likely true. Although, saying that Chicago is ONE of the most dangerous cities is pretty vague.




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