This question was originally posted in early August, and now it's September 18th, so there's some new info to look at.
Bans have been happening for months now, and both dominant parties have been enacting them. This Wikipedia page has a nice list:,Montana,from%20offering%20TikTok%20for%20download.
If you scroll down to the sources, you can see a plethora of articles about different areas where TikTok has been banned.
So has it been banned in *some* areas of the US? Yes. Here's what the Wiki page said (and I checked the sources the page cites, so it is reliable, Wikipedia just compiles it all nicely)
TikTok has been banned in:
- US Army
- US Navy
- Government devices in 34 states
- Montana (takes effect in 2024)
- Government devices in NYC
- a bunch of universities that brought me over the character limit for this post
Is TikTok getting banned in America? Yes. Is it getting banned in all of America? No. The phrasing is easy to misunderstand, so I am going to rate this as misleading.
Edit: To clarify, I linked Wikipedia's page because there's not enough allowed characters to post the entire reference section. I used the reference section to fact check, and the sources were reliable.