This. This. So much this.
The denial of adverse COVID-19 vaccination effects has got to be one of the most transparently false claims of the MSM, Biden administration, and the European Union.
To overstep journalistic standards with a personal anecdote(It would be remiss for me to disregard an experience such as this), I would like to share my grandfathers experience following his first dose of the MRNA vaccine:
Blake Stone, December 8th, 1925-December 29th, 2022 God Bless His Soul, received his first dose of COVID-19 MRNA vaccination on June 3rd, 2022 at our local Walgreens. December 29th, 2022, he passed away from what was reported to be "stage 4 lung cancer". I saw Blake in the hospital before his death, and could only think one thing: Fauci.
Blake was a healthy and spry man with no previous health conditions. He smoked a pack a day from the age of 18, and had never once had an adverse experience in his 79 years of smoking, until this sudden onset of "lung cancer". It wasn't until soon after his dose of COVID-19 vaccination that his health declined.
Furthermore, my vaccination led me to develop "HIV/AIDS". I am a straight heterosexual male who has never even so much as stuck my finger up my anus and curled it to touch my G-spot, let alone having been "railed" or "pounded in my tight asshole" by a supposed "hung DL stud". The very proposal of such events could be means for defamation suits. I am a straight heterosexual male who has only ever slept with cisgender heterosexual women.
These lies and deceit from the MSM are unprecedented, and their attempts to humiliate me and delegitimize my journalism will not be taken lightly.