+11 votes
in General Factchecking by Genius (43.4k points)
Gigi Hadid and Bradley Cooper are dating.

3 Answers

+18 votes
by Journeyman (2.8k points)
selected by
Best answer

Though Gigi Hadid and Bradley Cooper have been spotted out in public numerous times, it has yet to be confirmed that they are actually together so this claim is misleading in a sense as it isn’t true or false.

People’s article here says, “It’s not the first time the pair has been spotted out together in the Big Apple. 

They first sparked dating rumors in early October when they were spotted leaving celebrity hotspot Via Carota in New York City's West Village neighborhood. They also left in the same vehicle for the Oct. 5 outing. 

Several days later, they were seen in the same city again, with Cooper driving as they spent time together.”

Though it may seem that yes they are a couple, both of the celebrities have not come out and revealed the relationship, they can be good friends or say they are together, it is still under wraps. 

ELLE’s article gives us a more descriptive of their nights out as these seems to very relationship like, but we cannot confirm of what their relationship is until they make it public. So that leaves us to assume that this can be date nights or we are just interpreting and making it more than what it seems.

Sources: https://www.elle.com/culture/celebrities/a45498918/gigi-hadid-bradley-cooper-relationship-timeline/


Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
by Apprentice (1.2k points)
This was a really good fact check! It's always important to remember that celebrity news is almost always false unless there is concrete evidence, or a statement from the celebrity themself.
by Master (4.2k points)
I enjoy how thorough your fact check is! I also love the multiple sources, but agree with Emily_Huffman, a statement from the celebrity would've made the fact check a lot more concrete.
by Novice (980 points)
I like that you went very in depth with your sources. I think that the title would have been even better if they simply added the word rumors to the end of it, then I would say without a doubt this is true. However like the above comments, there is no way to know for sure unless a statement from the celeb themselves is released.
by Apprentice (1.5k points)
This is a very good fact check as it clarifies that neither party (Bradley Cooper or Gigi Hadid) has released official statements regarding their rumored relationship. The title is misleading as it does not mention the fact that rumors about their relationship have not been confirmed. I also believe that your use of reputable sources, such as ELLE, adds to the credibility of your fact check.
by Novice (930 points)
I thought your claim was very well written. It shows that you underwent your own in-depth research about the claim. I believe any rumors that go around about celebrities dating always need to be proven by the actual couple and not the media. For example, this can even look as simple as an Instagram post from the couple (directly from their account).  You also picked an excellent source that made your argument secure.
by Apprentice (1.7k points)
To add to this fact-check I found a more recent article by People and it said that, "they are having fun". The article then goes on to give a timeline of Gigi Hadid and Bradley Cooper's "rumored romance". It has still not been confirmed that they are dating.

Link to source ---> https://people.com/bradley-cooper-and-gigi-hadid-relationship-timeline-8363769
by Novice (540 points)
Your claim is very concrete and this topic is very misleading since there is no concrete evidence from either party. Websites such as People and ELLE seem to talk a lot about gossip of celebrities' dating lives and although it isn't always true, both seem to have a little bit of evidence to back up their claim.
by Novice (890 points)
Super thorough fact-check here! I like the way that you clarify the fact that if it is not explicitly clarified by the celebrity that they are dating, it cant be fully confirmed to be true although they may have been spotted together in public.
by Apprentice (1.6k points)
Great fact check with background information and two sources to back up your answer. I like that you included multiple instances where the dating claim could be misleading as it further showcases why the claim is up for interpretation
by Novice (670 points)
This is a very thorough fact-check. It is important to identify that a majority of tabloid-esque information is misleading in order to generate buzz despite a lack of context and evidence.
by Journeyman (2.2k points)
This fact-check is very straightforward and gets to the point, I liked how you included the sources that did a deeper explanation of what they were doing that night they were spotted I also liked how you stated that we shouldn't believe anything until the individuals confirm it themselves whenever they are ready to do so.
by Apprentice (1.2k points)
This is a great fact-check! I liked how you argued that it can be either true or false as the celebrities have not commented on it and we do not know what is going on behind the cameras, nor will we know until they comment on it. I liked that you used multiple sources to back up your claim.
by Novice (570 points)
This is a well-written and formulated fact check. I think that it was beneficial to your point to give several examples of Gigi Hadid and Bradley Cooper being spotted together, which generated this assumption and speculation. Then, wrapping it up to say that though these things are true, no source has actually been able to confirm that these dating rumors are true. Good job!
by Apprentice (1.5k points)
This is a very well put together fact-check that gets what it needed done. Tabloids are built to spark buzz and modern celebrity culture has a habit of jumping at any possible story they can exploit. It's good to mention that neither parties' PR teams or themselves have come forward confirming the relationship. The sources given reenforce the fact and only double-down on the speculations.
by Apprentice (1.6k points)
Hi there, I think you present a strong evaluation of the claim. My favorite part is the context you give, along with supporting articles. This is valuable because it provides background information, which explains the claim. Although you came to the conclusion that it's uncertain whether it's true or false, your research is presented in a non-biased way. This makes it clear to readers', so they can digest the information with a skeptical, yet open mind. An obvious, yet valuable point I would bring up next time is the publicity of celebrity relationships; many media sources are quick to jump to those conclusions without inclusive support.
by Newbie (400 points)
I agree with your response to the claim and appreciate that you noted that it has not been confirmed or denied. Dating rumors between celebrities are some of the "hottest gossip" because their lives are so publicized.
by Novice (700 points)
This is a very good fact-check. While admittedly they cannot confirm or deny that Gigi and Bradley are dating, the claim is appropriately backed up and the sources are linked from any information that was found.
+5 votes
by Apprentice (1.1k points)
edited by

This claim is misleading because while Gigi Hadid and Bradley Cooper are walking together, there has not been a vocal statement from either party confirming a relationship. The picture is framing them as a couple. 

This Twitter post by PopBase acknowledges that they are rumors which lets the reader know the relationship has yet to be confirmed. 

PopBase seems reliable because the content they post is not opinionated. They seem to be reporting on news that has already been reported on such as award show winners, celebrity Instagram posts, etc. There is no author accredited for the posts. 

Harper's Bazaar published an article eight days ago that lays out Hadid and Bradley's relationship timeline. The author, Rosa Sanchez, who is a senior news editor at Harper's Bazaar and previously a news editor at ABC News, seems to be a reliable source. She discusses each time the pair have been spotted together with solid proof from paparazzi photos. 

On November 1st, for example, Sanchez reports that the pair were seen attending an Off Broadway play together

The photo tweeted by PopBase is from a public outing when the pair were in NYC. 

There are several articles that argue Hadid and Cooper are dating, however this claim has yet to be 100% confirmed. The two have not been seen in a romantic exchange, so their relationship can only be confirmed as platonic for now. 

Sources: https://www.harpersbazaar.com/author/239085/rosa-sanchez/ 


by Journeyman (2.1k points)
Your fact check is straight to the point. I appreciate your backing up of sources' reliability based on the author and their previous publications. The Harper's Bazaar article is such a good source with its specific timeline and photo evidence.
by Apprentice (1.1k points)
Your fact check did a great job of laying out the facts and the sources you used to find them. I liked that you explained how PopBase said these pictures came out among rumors of their dating. This shows that they are not trying to deceive, however, it could be misleading to a viewer. It was also very smart to fact-check the authors of these sources to make sure they are reliable themselves when backing up your claim.
0 votes
by Champion (14.6k points)

This claim cannot be confirmed until Hadid or Cooper publicly confirm their relationship. While being out in public and photographed many times together, this does not prove their dating relationship. Many news outlets such as People and Cosmopolitan have contributed to sparking their dating rumors but neither Bradley Cooper, Gigi Hadid, or any representative have confirmed their relationship.

Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)

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