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in General Factchecking by Newbie (300 points)
People who are single are happier because they are living their most authentic lives without having to worry about someone else.
ago by (140 points)
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Just like other people mentioned above, this claim is all opinion-based. Some single people may be happier, and others may not be it really just depends on the person. There isn't any information that can back up this claim since it is all opinion based.
ago by Novice (520 points)
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I think that you could've used more sources and cited more evidence as to why you took the position you did. I would have been interested to see a survey of what people would respond if they are happier single. I also think that using buzzfeed as a source is a is a little bit unreliable because they post every thing and aren't very trustworthy. When I did some research I didn't find many reliable studies taken, the only one was about married couples and that is slightly different than the question asked. Overall, I think more could've been added to this claim to support it.

ago by (140 points)
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You make some valid points! Citing more reliable sources would definitely strengthen the argument. A survey on single individuals' happiness could provide valuable insights, too. And I agree that relying on BuzzFeed might not give the most trustworthy information, especially when it comes to serious topics like relationships. It’s crucial to look for solid studies that directly address the question at hand, like the one from the APA you shared, to build a more compelling case.
ago by Newbie (240 points)
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This is an opinionated statement, so this is tough to gauge. I think there are valid points here, but your source doesn't really help you out much. I think if you found some type of scientific study regarding this same topic then your above statement may hold a bit more weight.
ago by Newbie (240 points)
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I can agree with your claim on a general level, but I think this claim is too broad! Some people might feel more authentic to themselves being single, while others might feel sad and lonely without a partner. I think yuo could add some evidence to expand on this claim and strengthen it.

50 Answers

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by Newbie (300 points)

Research from Psychology Today and The Washington Post suggests that being single can lead to a happier, more fulfilling life for some people. Studies show that single people often have stronger social connections, more time to pursue their personal interests, and higher levels of self-discovery. Without the pressures and conflicts that can come with relationships, they report greater independence and personal growth.

In fact, The New York Times highlights that single people frequently have lower levels of stress and more freedom to make choices that suit their own needs. While being in a relationship can be wonderful, happiness doesn’t necessarily depend on having a partner. People who are single by choice often experience a fulfilling sense of self-sufficiency and satisfaction.


Exaggerated/ Misleading
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by Newbie (380 points)
The article linked to the claim says that single people are overall happier. However, it doesn’t take into account that this is extremely subjective and can vary from person to person. This claim is more of an opinion and less of a statement that can be backed with evidence. The article links data that supports the difficulties of dating and high divorce rates but that doesn’t necessarily back up the claim that single people are happier. In an article by MedicalNewsByToday they state how traumatic events can lead to depression. Often times, a traumatic event can be a break up and it can trigger an onset of depression. The article states, “The breakup of a romantic relationship can be a very stressful and upsetting life event. Studies suggest that people who have recently experienced a break up are more likely to have symptoms of depression than people who are in a relationship.” The study that is referenced in this article is by PMC Pubmed Central. They tested the depression levels of people who are in a relationship and those who had just gone through a breakup. They concluded in their study that, “Within the heartbreak group, both components correlated highly with depression scores.” This proves that depression levels vary based on the individual and the context of the situation whether or not the subject has gone through a breakup or is in a relationship. The claim that single people are happier is not accurate and there is not enough data to back it up. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6544239/ https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/depression-and-breakups#causes
Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
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ago by (180 points)
I feel like this claim could be true for some people but not all people. Often when people find themselves in a relationship it can have its ups and downs, however I think it really just depends on the person. I found this podcast explaining what love and the brain from a more scientific standpoint. https://www.scientificamerican.com/podcast/episode/love-and-the-brain-do-partnerships-really-make-us-happy-heres-what-the-science-says/
Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
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ago by Newbie (250 points)
According to a study conducted for Psychology Today, single people have a lower overall well being, with one important factor impacting this level; desire for a relationship. There is no way to prove that all people who are in relationships are happier than all people who are single.
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ago by Newbie (320 points)

The claim that people who are single are happier is very misleading and not necessarily a true statement and tends to be very opinionated. While some individuals who are single are happy with their lives it is all a subjective view and depends on the individual. Being happier in a relationship depends on numerous factors such as preferences, goals, and support systems. Since the factors vary in reasoning it is not possible to categorize happiness relating to being single or not. Psychologists have done assorted studies for years in relation to being single or in a relationship and there is no straightforward evidence that being single leads to greater levels of happiness. The statement is stemming from a Buzzfeed article, which may not be an accurately reliable source. Statements within happiness in relationships or not is too subjective to label true or false.

Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
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ago by Newbie (280 points)

Fact Check: The claim that people who are single are happier is completely subjective and could never be proven. Yes, the article that they referred to explains that being single nowadays could lead to greater happiness and overall enjoyment in many types of activities, but this very vague claim is too opinion-based to actually be a claim. Also, they used a weak source to support their claim. To make it stronger, they should’ve chosen a source, like the ones below, about the difficulty of finding a partner in the first place. However, they never once support the claim. Of course, dating is more different now than ever, especially with social media and dating apps. People are finding love and they are completely happy with their lives. I believe this idea is completely unfair to say and it's impossible to find quality evidence to back it up. 



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ago by Newbie (300 points)
This article claims right off the bat "Some People are Happier (and Healthier) Being Single". This article is essentially an opinion piece following the author's struggle in their dating life. The data given from a US Census report doesn't support the claim in anyway, it only gives statistics of the number of people single. It is ultimately unrelated to being happier or healthier. Although the article does quote, Bella DePaulo, who is reputable source and has a PhD from Harvard, her quote talks about measuring a person's happiness which is a subjective observation. Overall most of the evidence used throughout this article is opinion based or hard to consider factual as it is based on subjective measures such as a person's happiness.

Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
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ago by Newbie (280 points)

Fact Check: The claim that single people are happier is highly subjective and cannot be definitively proven. While the article suggests that being single today may lead to greater happiness and enjoyment in everyday activities, this claim is extremely vague and lacks solid evidence. Additionally, the source used to support this claim is weak. Clearer evidence could have been chosen, such as the one from the BBC article that mentions, “One of the things I love is that [Gen Z] value authenticity... the number one determinant as to whether or not they wanted a second date was whether they felt comfortable being themselves with their partner” (Robson 14). David Robson, the writer of the article, discusses the challenges of finding a romantic partner in today's world, particularly through dating apps. While it's true that dating has become more complicated, that doesn’t mean people aren't enjoying the process. The article this person uses and the one that I referred to fails to directly support the claim that single individuals are happier. In reality, many people are successfully finding love and leading fulfilling lives. Overall, this idea seems unfair and lacks quality evidence to back it up.



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ago by Newbie (220 points)

Based on the claim you made “People who are single are happier”, after visiting the link provided, I disagree with your claim. This is claim is more of an opinion rather than an actual fact. In the link you provided, there is multiple people saying being single is making them happier but that’s their own experience. After doing research, I found an article from “CNN” that stated “Married people consistently reported their happiness levels higher than their unmarried counterparts, ranging from 12% to 24% higher depending on the year, according to the data” https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/09/health/marriage-happiness-wellness/ This shows that the claim you made is more opinion based rather than factual based. One source says that being single makes you happier and another source says being in a relationship boost your happiness. 

Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
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ago by Newbie (290 points)
This article suggests that being single in our world brings more happiness and enjoyment in someone's everyday life, but the claim that "single people are happier" is subjective and very much varies from person to person. The article cites data on modern dating challenges and the rise in single individuals but it relies mainly on divorce rates, which don't fully support the argument. Even though online dating and shifting social norms have definitely transformed relationships, this article lacks comprehensive data to back up the claim. This makes the conclusions seem too subjective and not 100% convincing. If there was stronger evidence this could be a really strong persuasive article.

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