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in General Factchecking by (190 points)
People who are single are happier because they are living their most authentic lives without having to worry about someone else.
ago by Newbie (230 points)
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Reading this article did resonate with me personally due to my opinionated belief in that I am less consumed and essentially "happier" that I am single. However, there is no definite way to confirm that this theory is fully truthful. The idea that single life generates happiness is objective and based on personal experiences. Although it is typical or common for relationships in this day to be 'toxic' or 'unhealthy' there are some that aren't that way. The article did state facts that support the said claim. Including statistics such as the "40% of adults between ages 25 and 54" are un partnered. This data does help prove the point credible however there are too many variables to claim this as a fact.
ago by Newbie (480 points)
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I'm a bit skeptical of this claim, as I feel like it is something that is more of a personal opinion than a research-fueled claim. While some may be happier single, I know others that thrive more in relationships, as they need the connection and closeness a relationship provides. I do not think that there will ever be a solid way to "prove" that single people are happier than those in relationships, and vice versa. While the article did provide evidence that supports the claim that single people are happier, such as "40% of adults between ages 25 and 54 were unpartnered... up from 29% in 1990." I feel that there are far too many variables to be able to soundly state that, yes, single people are in fact happier. Especially, as I stated earlier, every person functions differently and is fulfilled by differing things in life; therefore, while some may feel more free when single, others are at their happiest when they are in a relationship. Relationships also fall on a spectrum, one's happiness being single may be a result of the level of unhealthiness in their last relationship, those who are happy in a relationship may be in a very healthy relationship. All-in-all, this claim is simply too broad, and has far too many factors and moving parts for it to ever be proved as true or false.
ago by Newbie (240 points)
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I think that this claim is more opinion based and you can't really fact-check it. happiness levels vary depending on personal preferences, relationship quality, and individual circumstances. Some single people may be happier due to greater autonomy, while others may find fulfillment in a loving partnership.
ago by (100 points)
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This claim is far too subjective and opinion based. There is no true way to solidly prove that being single results in higher levels of happiness. One could very easily make the opposite claim and have plenty of people in relationships say that they are happier than they would be if they were single. The claim is far too broad and reliant on too many variables.
ago by Newbie (220 points)
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I agree, I think that you worded this comment very well. I like the part where you said that it varies on the person because I also thought that this claim was very general and not true to many people.

32 Answers

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ago by Newbie (300 points)

Research from Psychology Today and The Washington Post suggests that being single can lead to a happier, more fulfilling life for some people. Studies show that single people often have stronger social connections, more time to pursue their personal interests, and higher levels of self-discovery. Without the pressures and conflicts that can come with relationships, they report greater independence and personal growth.

In fact, The New York Times highlights that single people frequently have lower levels of stress and more freedom to make choices that suit their own needs. While being in a relationship can be wonderful, happiness doesn’t necessarily depend on having a partner. People who are single by choice often experience a fulfilling sense of self-sufficiency and satisfaction.


Exaggerated/ Misleading
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ago by Newbie (360 points)
The article linked to the claim says that single people are overall happier. However, it doesn’t take into account that this is extremely subjective and can vary from person to person. This claim is more of an opinion and less of a statement that can be backed with evidence. The article links data that supports the difficulties of dating and high divorce rates but that doesn’t necessarily back up the claim that single people are happier. In an article by MedicalNewsByToday they state how traumatic events can lead to depression. Often times, a traumatic event can be a break up and it can trigger an onset of depression. The article states, “The breakup of a romantic relationship can be a very stressful and upsetting life event. Studies suggest that people who have recently experienced a break up are more likely to have symptoms of depression than people who are in a relationship.” The study that is referenced in this article is by PMC Pubmed Central. They tested the depression levels of people who are in a relationship and those who had just gone through a breakup. They concluded in their study that, “Within the heartbreak group, both components correlated highly with depression scores.” This proves that depression levels vary based on the individual and the context of the situation whether or not the subject has gone through a breakup or is in a relationship. The claim that single people are happier is not accurate and there is not enough data to back it up. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6544239/ https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/depression-and-breakups#causes
Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)

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