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ago in General Factchecking by (120 points)

According to the Telegraph story, subjects were told to eat ice cream upon first awakening, and then had their mental acuity tested by performing tasks on a computer. Those who'd eaten ice cream performed better and had faster reaction times, researchers found.

5 Answers

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ago by (160 points)
The claim that "ice cream for breakfast is good for you" comes from a study by neuroscientists in London. They say that eating ice cream in the morning can make you feel happier and help you think better. The article from Chapman’s Ice Cream explains that sugar, like what’s in ice cream, can boost brain activity and improve your mood. However, we should be careful with this idea. While the study sounds interesting and is based on real research, the benefits might not work for everyone. Moderation is important because too much sugar isn't healthy for most people. If you want to learn more about this study, you can check out the article from Chapman’s Ice Cream here. https://www.chapmans.ca/scoop/study-ice-cream-for-breakfast-is-good-for-you/#:~:text=Neuroscientists%20from%20London%20proved%20that,many%20psychological%20and%20physical%20processes.
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ago by (140 points)
Using the same article linked in this claim, there is actually direct textual evidence that the statement "Eating Ice cream for Breakfast Makes You Smarter" is blatantly incorrect. As much as I wish it was true, there is a quote about three paragraphs down that states "If you want to be smart (or have a long, healthy life) eating sweets every morning for breakfast is the last thing you should do." Earlier in the paragraph, the author also explains that sugar "in the long run...will increase your risk of depression, reduce your brain function, and make you more susceptible to Alzheimer's."

Also, there's no elaboration on what these "tasks" are that these subjects are performing. Additionally, the ability to "perform tasks" or have a faster reaction time by no means has any direct correlation to intelligence.
ago by (160 points)
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I really liked how you used the same article to then further expand on the claim and how false it is. It showed that you paid attention to detail and it demonstrates that if we aren’t careful enough with reading something, we can believe the first things we see, even if the source itself says otherwise.
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ago by Newbie (200 points)
While this is a rather old article there is still an ongoing talk about whether this does or doesn't help. In most of the articles I researched many said that because ice cream has been shown to make us happy and that anything cold will wake us up more the claim is that having ice cream is a good thing to wake up with. In the article it is stated that it is healthy but in moderation because too much sugar can put us at risk for many other health problems.
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ago by (180 points)

This claim is definitely believable even though at first it sounds like a joke, but what was most interesting about this article was the studies shown about the affects of early morning ice cream vs cold water, “The cold water subjects did also demonstrate improved mental performance, but not as much as those who'd eaten ice cream.” 

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ago by Newbie (260 points)

The study was conducted by neuroscientists in London, and after a quick read of this article, one can immediately tell that this article is misleading with its conclusion of the data the scientist found. That being said, the scientists are correct with the idea that ingesting something cold, such as water, as well as something with sugar will increase humans ability to do tasks in the morning. However, because the article does not mention what tasks people are improving on and fails to find a direct correlation to ice cream specifically, I would have to say that the claim that eating ice cream for breakfast makes you smarter is incorrect and misleading. 

Exaggerated/ Misleading

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