I have to acknowledge that the study conclusion is that these subjects did perform well but while I would love that sugar makes you smarter it just isn't true. Obviously there is evidence to support that sugar can make you energic and maybe that had something to do with the results. especially when consuming sugar on an empty stomach would allow you to reap the effects of a "sugar high". However, no sugar does not make you smarter. This article alone rebukes the claim of the study by saying "Ironically, in the long run, it will increase your risk of depression, reduce your brain function, and make you more susceptible to Alzheimer’s. If you want to be smart (or have a long, healthy life), eating sweets every morning for breakfast is the last thing you should do." This explains the very reason why sugar does not make you smarter and that is because sugar, especially processed sugar found in ice cream is not a nutrient that your brain needs to function and thrive and actually can have the opposite effect on your brain and body.