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ago in General Factchecking by
Fans believe that singer “Avril Lavigne” died back in the early 2000’s and was using a body double named Marissa, that was secretly referenced in songs

2 Answers

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ago by (160 points)

I think the article is very misleading and wrong. The title should be more broad covering celebrity death conspiracy theories, as it mentioned similar "theories" of Paul McCarntey,Beyonce, and others. Avril Lavigne recently went on an a podcast and addressed the years old theories. The singer did reach more fame than anticipated at a young age, similarly to Britney Spears, but to spread rumors that she has passed and the current music she is releasing isn't hers is very disrespectful. The rumors never acknowledge the fact that if Lavigne did die, there would've been an obvious sign of grief from her family and friends. Avril Lavigne Clone Conspiracy Explained (forbes.com)

Exaggerated/ Misleading
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ago by (180 points)
This article suggests that in the years since 2005 Pop Punk singer Avril Levigne has been using a body double. (Or at least they elaborate on the theory fans have created.)The article's only evidence is the conspirocies that fans have thought of. Other "evidence" they had to back the fans' claims up were other instances that celebrities hvae been thought of having doubles, none with significant evidence. If the article was instead to be about the increadibly wrong and maybe even hilarious theories that fans have about celebrity body doubles, it wouldn't be so exaggerated or misleading. I think this article could be the causing a pseudo event by the misinformation it's spreading by the light it is painting in.
Exaggerated/ Misleading

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