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in General Factchecking by Newbie (360 points)
Celsius and other caffeinated drinks can lead to brain fog and fatigue.
ago by (100 points)
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The article claims that Celcius causes brain fog. Celcius is a very popular energy drink right now, so the name in the title would lead many people to click on it. However, the article really means to talk about caffeine in general, citing a study on coffee. One study cited is from the Cleveland Clinic, which, when looking at the original article, is true. The second study is from the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, which is also a true claim. Both of these sauces are reputable. The article itself has relatable sources to back its claims. Despite the slight clickbait of the title, the article successfully and correctly supports its claims.
ago by Newbie (260 points)
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The article makes a solid claim around the connection between Celsius and brain fog, but, the brain fog can occur with many caffeinated drinks. This makes it appear as if the author chose a title that utilizes clickbait and the name-power of a popular drink brand like Celsius.
ago by (100 points)
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This article argues how caffeine can begin brain fog and all of the negative effects. The article explores caffeine, and how it can lead to CFS, chronic fatigue syndrome. By analyzing the brain on a biological level and statistics on caffeine versus sleep, the article provides convincing evidence towards the side effects of caffeine. However, the title is misleading as it argues on the potential downfall of Celsius yet goes on to write about caffeine in general. Nonetheless, using reputable sources like the Cleveland Clinic makes the source more reliable and trustworthy, especially within the medical field.
ago by Newbie (220 points)
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I disagree. While the comparison between Celsius and caffeine makes sense, it doesn’t directly address the article’s main point. Additionally, brain fog isn’t a clinically defined condition, making it difficult to research accurately. The Cleveland Clinic states, “Although caffeine is generally considered safe, consuming as little as 300 milligrams per day can increase your risk of negative side effects, including nausea, anxiety, sleeplessness, and restlessness.”

ago by Newbie (260 points)
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The article suggests that Celsius, a popular energy drink, may lead to brain fog. However, it primarily focuses on the effects of caffeine, using studies that discuss coffee rather than Celsius specifically. The Cleveland Clinic and the *Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine*, both credible sources, are cited accurately to support the article’s claims about caffeine’s impact on mental clarity. While the title may have a clickbait angle by mentioning Celsius, the article is well-supported by reputable sources and provides valid information on caffeine's effects.

51 Answers

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ago by Newbie (300 points)
The article explores the idea of caffeine-induced "cognitive lapses," which are associated with a condition that cannot be officially diagnosed, known as "brain fog." It claims that people with symptoms of brain fog experience chronic fatigue, which may be a result of caffeine overconsumption. As caffeine is a stimulant, it poses the risk of influencing sleep patterns. Every can of Celsius does contain a large dose of caffeine, so it makes sense that these symptoms may become present for those who frequently consume the beverage. This article only addresses caffeine in general in association to brain fog, not Celsius in specific. So there is no direct evidence present that the brand itself is causing these cognitive lapses. It can be inferred that Celsius causes symptoms of brain fog through the evidence provided, but because the claim is so vague and brain fog cannot be officially diagnosed, it can't be determined that this is 100% accurate.

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