The main claim of this article is that dark chocolate has health benefits. the article contains references information from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, which highlights dark chocolates flavanol contents and the association it has with heart health. The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health is a reputable source, giving credit to the main claim. another reference in the article is citing Jillian Levy from Dr. Axe which regards antioxidants in dark chocolate, and Dr. axe has health related content. in a similar article from, they talk about antioxidant properties, and how dark chocolate contains them and helps combat free radicals, which supports the claim as well. touches on cardiovascular protection and how the flavanols in dark chocolate can aid blood flow and help to lower blood pressure. the evidence that supports the antioxidant and cardiovascular benefits are commonly talked about and come from reputable sources. if the claims were found to be false, the intention behind the articles may be to promote a product by using its health benefits as a marketing strategy.