The article explains that in French culture, many women do not wash their face in the morning, so that they don't remove the sebum that your body naturally produces overnight: “This layer of sebum is beneficial for your skin, so it is a pity to remove this exceptional, naturally produced, beneficial shield.” In an article posted by, they write that "If you are cleansing your skin morning and night, you may be over-stripping your skin, which results in a barrier dysfunction, breakout, redness, and more skin concerns," said Maja, a medical aesthetician. This article also explains that it is dependent on your skin type; those with oilier skin may want to wash their face in morning whereas people with dry skin will want to only,y wash their face at night. I think the consensus is that it depends on what you and your dermatologist think is best for your skin. The article is true to the extend that it may help some, but does not argue against the counterarguements, making their stance fall short.