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in General Factchecking by Genius (43.7k points)
Travis Kelce created his new hairdo, and viral trend, the 'Kelce fade'.
by Novice (750 points)
0 0
Thank you for explaining the origins of the popularity for this haircut. Since Travis has been in the headlines recently due to Swift lots of people are wanting to look like him. Overall the cut is very clean and looks good on most people.

9 Answers

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by Champion (14.6k points)
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Best answer

This claim is false. Travis Kelce did not invent the "Kelce fade." It's even a reach to claim that he made it popular because it became popular in the late 90s and early 2000s. Even people in the military wore them in the 40s and 50s (Ebony Entertainment). During a pre-Super Bowl interview with ESPN on Tuesday (February 6, 2024), Kelce said, "But I didn't invent that — I just asked for it." (People Magazine). He also said it was "absolutely ridiculous." To say that Kelce created this hairstyle could have been a fact, but it's not. Additionally, to say that he made it popular is an opinionated claim. His barber, Patrick Regan, even calls the haircut a "skin fade" or "bald fade." (People Magazine). Not the "Kelce fade."

by Novice (790 points)
0 0
This is a really good fact-check. I like how you spoke about how people in the military wore this haircut back in the 40s and 50s. But, I think the part that makes this fact-check really good is the Travis Kielce quote you chose. This completely debunks the narrative and claim that he started this haircut. Good job!
9 like 0 dislike
by Apprentice (1.2k points)



There is much more to this New York Times article than it may seem. This article was written quoting barbershops from all over the country who say that an influx of people have been wanting a haircut similar to Kelce's. This article calls this trend the "Travis Kelce". The problem is neither Kelce nor his barber has said anything about him coining the haircut as "The Kelce Fade" or "The Travis Kelce". "The Travis Kelce" term is in the New York Times article and is not associated with anybody. His barber says this is a simple haircut that people have been getting for centuries. Kelce left a comment on a post of Shannon Sharpe saying "These headlines are wild… the fade has been around long before my life even began." The African-American community has expressed frustration with the lack of cultural knowledge by the New York Times author, as this is a highly popular haircut among their community. So, no, Travis Kelce did not himself invent the "Kelce Fade", people just want his haircut because people want to emulate successful people. 

by Apprentice (1.3k points)
0 0
This fact check was very thoughtful and direct in answering the claim with sound evidence and first-hand quotes. It was important to note that even Kelse himself did not want to accept any credit for the long-existing hair trend and did not claim to have invented it. I liked how you noted that there may be some people calling this hair trend the "Kelse Fade", but most people just want to emulate success. That was a very powerful closing statement. Overall, this was a great fact check for this claim.
by Apprentice (1.1k points)
0 0
This was a very thought out and informative fact check. You used multiple sources and quoted these sources multiple times. It was very good that you brought up how Travis Kelce never coined the term and people just created the term. Along with that you talked about the cultural impacts by talking about how the African American community is frustrated with people thinking he created the fade.
by Novice (960 points)
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This was an excellent fact-check. I especially like that the fact checker acknowledged the fact that African Americans have been getting fades for decades, and how they are trying to say this is a haircut that Travis Kelce and his barber created is an example of misappropriating black culture.
by Novice (950 points)
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I really enjoyed how your fact check went above and beyond when you mentioned the culture significance a Fade has in some cultures and how you clearly made it that this was not invented by Travis by any means.
by Novice (800 points)
0 0
I found your fact check fascinating. I enjoyed how you utilized a quote from Travis Kelce himself to provide credibility.
by Novice (670 points)
0 0
This fact check addressed the allegation using solid facts and quotes from the source in a very deliberate and straightforward manner. It was significant to highlight that Kelse did not claim to be the creator of the long-lasting hair trend and refused to take credit for it either. I loved how you pointed out that while some may refer to this hairstyle as the "Kelse Fade," the majority of people merely aspire to be successful. That final sentence had a lot of impact. All in all, this fact check of this assertion was excellent.
by Novice (910 points)
0 0
This was a great fact check because you deliberately point out that neither Travis nor his barber ever dubbed the hair cut the "Travis Fade". You even found an Instagram comment left by Travis where he explicitly states where he stood in that the "fade" had been around and belonged to the black community long before he wore it.
by Apprentice (1.2k points)
0 0
I liked how specific you got in why this original claim of Travis Kelce created his own haircut is sort of blown out of proportion. You expanded on the source of Travis leaving the comment saying that the style of haircut has been around for a long time. Using the Instagram comment as a source was a great use of your sources and made for a great fact check.
by Genius (43.7k points)
0 0
Nice work. Going forward, don't forget to select a rating (true, false, misleading, N/A). Thanks!
by Novice (520 points)
0 0
This fact check provides valuable insight into the complexity surrounding the "Kelce Fade" hairstyle and its attribution to Travis Kelce. It highlights the importance of considering multiple perspectives and sources when evaluating claims, especially in areas where cultural nuances and historical contexts are involved. Additionally, it underscores the significance of acknowledging and respecting the cultural origins and contributions of hairstyles like the "Kelce Fade," which have deep roots within communities beyond any single individual's influence.
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by Newbie (370 points)

En Español:

El escrito cita a peluquerías de todo el país que indican un aumento en la demanda de un corte de pelo similar al de Kelce, denominando a esta tendencia como el "Travis Kelce". No obstante, es relevante señalar que ni Kelce ni su barbero han reclamado la autoría de denominar el corte como "The Kelce Fade" o "The Travis Kelce". El término específico "The Travis Kelce" proviene del artículo del New York Times y carece de asociación directa con Kelce o su peluquero.

Parte de la comunidad afroamericana ha expresado su frustración por la falta de comprensión cultural por parte del autor del New York Times, ya que este corte de pelo goza de una considerable popularidad en su comunidad. En resumen, es crucial aclarar que Travis Kelce no reclamó inventar el "Kelce Fade"; más bien, la gente se siente atraída por este corte de pelo debido a su deseo de emular a individuos exitosos.

In English:  

The write-up quotes barbershops across the country indicating an increase in demand for a haircut similar to Kelce's, calling this trend the "Travis Kelce." However, it is relevant to note that neither Kelce nor his barber has claimed authorship of naming the cut as "The Kelce Fade" or "The Travis Kelce." The specific term "The Travis Kelce" comes from the New York Times article and lacks direct association with Kelce or his barber.

Some of the African-American community has expressed frustration at the lack of cultural understanding by the New York Times author, as this haircut enjoys considerable popularity in their community. In summary, it is crucial to clarify that Travis Kelce did not claim to invent the "Kelce Fade"; rather, people are attracted to this haircut because of their desire to emulate successful individuals.

1 like 0 dislike
by Novice (610 points)
After the idea that Travis Kelce invented this haircut arose, Kelce himself was quoted saying that he did not invent the fade he just asked for it from a barber.

Exaggerated/ Misleading
by Journeyman (2.2k points)
0 0
You have a really good source to disapprove of this false statement however you didn't further analyze it and give any examples of why this source is reliable, along with that to further this fact check I recommend finding more sources to support your findings.
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by Novice (840 points)

A quote from Kelse himself is not required for this fact check, as this haircut has been viewed and practiced (primarily in the black community) for many many years. Here is an article on Ebony that tells the history of not only this cut but the fade haircut itself. https://www.ebony.com/history-fade-haircut/#:~:text=The%20hairstyle%20originated%20in%20the,angles%20signaled%20you%20meant%20business. 

Exaggerated/ Misleading
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by Apprentice (1.3k points)

On Jan 29, Alyson Krueger published an article in The New York Times titled "They'll Take the Travis Kelce - Hairdo That Is," which initiated the discourse surrounding the haircut. Travis Kelce's haircut is what is known as a buzzcut fade. After a quick search, I found several articles of Kelce himself denying the claim that he invented his haircut. Additionally, the haircut is not new, nor was it invented by Kelce. According to Ebony, the haircut originated circa 1940-1950 in the U.S. military. However, The Rich Barber says, that the invention of electric trimmers in the 1930s brought about the fade; however, the fade haircut didn't gain popularity until the '40s and '50s due to the U.S. military's grooming policies.

Exaggerated/ Misleading
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by Apprentice (2.0k points)

This claim is not the most accurate. Even though Kelce has been seen wearing the fade numerous times, he did not event the hairstyle. According to Ebony, the hairstyle became popular in the U.S. military in the 1940s and 50s. There have even many several occasions in which Kelce has denied those claims, stating that it was "absolutely ridiculous". In the end, this is a false and exaggerated claim. 

Exaggerated/ Misleading
by Novice (520 points)
0 0
This fact check provides important context regarding the origin of the fade hairstyle and Travis Kelce's association with it. It emphasizes the historical roots of the fade, particularly its popularity within the U.S. military during the 1940s and 50s, which predates Kelce's involvement. Furthermore, Kelce himself has refuted claims of inventing the hairstyle, labeling such assertions as "absolutely ridiculous." This underscores the need for accuracy when attributing trends or styles to specific individuals and highlights the importance of acknowledging where his haircut originates from.
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by Novice (520 points)

This is simply false, Travis Kelce did not invent the style.  Kelce himself refuted this claim during a pre-Super Bowl interview with ESPN on February 6, 2024, stating, "But I didn't invent that — I just asked for it." He further expressed that such a notion is "absolutely ridiculous." The hairstyle has been worn by individuals as far back as the 1940s and 1950s, as documented by Ebony Entertainment, and gained popularity in the late 1990s and early 2000s, well before Kelce's time in the spotlight. Even Kelce's barber, Patrick Regan, refers to the haircut as a "skin fade" or "bald fade," not the "Kelce fade." Therefore, attributing the creation or popularization of this hairstyle to Kelce is both inaccurate and subjective.


Exaggerated/ Misleading
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by Novice (720 points)

The claim is false, Travis Kelce did not create his own hairstyle. It had already been a hairstyle that many people currently have. Kelce had just requested that it be called the "Kelce  Fade" because he now has it. By doing this it gave the hairstyle more popularity and many people that are fans and supporters of Kelce have been switching over to the hairstyle. Cole Sterling 21, decided to try out the hairstyle,“At first when I got it buzzed, at least three times a week people said I look like Travis Kelce,” he said. “It’s kind of grown out, but I’ll have to get it done again, hopefully next week.” 



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